14 прихильники(ів)
SMLIAG Chapter 64 - Warehouse

SMLIAG Chapter 64 - Warehouse

Mar 26, 2024

With the sudden decision to travel via magic circle, there were now several days of free time before the trip.

Even so, Rosenta couldn't spend that time just relaxing.

There were still things he had to do.


As usual, he rang the bell and called Anna. But it was Enoch, not Anna, who opened the door.

In fact, it didn't really matter who it was. He was now equally comfortable with both of them.

Enoch had accompanied him to Silva, watching his every move, and Anna was his closest friend.

He put on his coat and gave Enoch an order.

"Call Aphra."

Enoch made no movement at his command.

He just stood there, frowning as if he didn't like it.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Seeing as you’re wearing a coat, I assume you’re going out……. I guess it's going to be implemented today."

Instead of answering, he approached Enoch.

At the same time, he grabbed his long, raven hair and began to tie it back.


He tapped Enoch's coat pocket with his finger.

He told him, "You're coming with me."

“……Of course, we should go together.”

The deep wrinkles painted around Enoch's eyes quickly disappeared.

Then he said he would call Aphra and ran out of the room without looking back.

Enoch went to summon Aphra, so Aphra would come out soon.

Rosenta also scrambled to get himself ready to go out. Then he opened the door and went out into the hallway.


Just in time, he and Anna made eye contact. She was sweeping.

Anna looked at his clothes with a puzzled look, as if she needed to go somewhere.

"Are you leaving?"

Anna always supported him before Enoch came. Therefore, he didn't intend to hide it.

He nodded.

"I’m going out with Young Lord Cardia for a little bit."

"Oh, wait a minute! Then I'll...….”

Anna immediately put away the broom and looked like she was getting ready to follow him.

But before Anna could take off her apron, he quickly stopped her.

"Enoch will be going, so he’ll accompany me. So don't worry about it, Anna, just make sure you're doing your job."

"Oh, with Wolf?"

For some reason, her expression made it seem that Anna was annoyed.

"In the past, he always took me with him, but now he only looks for the butler. I'm sad."

Rosenta was taken aback.

Anna was a maid who knew how to control her emotions. Even more so because she was educated by Emma since she was young.

However, that Anna was speaking without hiding her feelings.

‘Was she that sad?’

Feeling sorry, he patted Anna on the head and soothed her.

"It's not important enough for you to care, and I'll tell you if anything happens. So don't be upset, Anna."

Only then did Anna smile broadly.



After much thought, he brought Aphra to a real estate brokerage near the capital.

Rosenta wasn't the one taking the lead in the brokerage.

It was Enoch.

"Oh, my. What brings you here?"

The old man, who appeared to be the owner, popped out to the front.

But Enoch didn't seem willing to return his greetings. He got straight to the point.

"Remember the letter from a few days ago? You must have already found a good place since you received the down payment then."

Suddenly the old man's spirit changed.

"Absolutely! Seeing as you're paying a fortune in this remote outskirt, I've found some great options that meet the requirements."

The owner kept bowing to Enoch, without even thinking about straightening his back.

Then he led him outside at once.

Enoch went on to follow the owner, leading the way as if he were the one buying the building.

Rosenta followed them leisurely, but Aphra looked anxiously at the surroundings.


Aphra barely uttered the word 'me', perhaps because he was told not to say his name outside.

Rosenta looked at Aphra.

"Where are we going now?"

"Didn't I say I'd invest in your business?"

Aphra opened his eyes wide at Rosenta’s whispered words. Then he shook his body like a fish in a net and loudly shouted, "Really?"

Naturally, the eyes of the broker and Enoch, who were leading, turned to them.

Rosenta spoke on behalf of Aphra, who was still in shock.

"It's nothing."

At that, the broker quickly turned his head, but Enoch glanced back.

Especially towards Aphra with very alert eyes.

Fortunately, Aphra walked erratically and fixed his eyes on Rosenta, so he didn't seem to have noticed.

"Isn’t this really fast? I mean, uh... I just wanted to try that idea, but the details are still...."

"It's all right."

Rosenta already made the rest of the plans anyway.

He meaningfully smiled with full confidence at Aphra, who looked anxious.

After that, things went quickly.

The broker guided him to a building with a large underground area that met the conditions.

In addition, it was an outskirt that was reasonably distanced from the capital.

It was satisfactory.

So Rosenta nodded slowly, looking at Enoch.

Seeing his nod, Enoch handed the money to the broker.

The owner of the building produced a contract in Aphra's name.

When the contract was signed, the broker left his post. The only ones left were Rosenta, Enoch, and Aphra.


As if he had been waiting for the broker to leave, Enoch asked his question right away.

"Now that you've got the building, you'll let me and Aphra know, too, right? Your plan."

He planned to tell them everything. These two would be the most necessary people for his future plans.

However, there was something that had to be done first.

"You'll have to sign a contract of the heart again before that."

Enoch strode up to Rosenta before he could finish.

At that point, Aphra was just staring blankly at them.

Enoch, of course, fixed his eyes only on Rosenta, as if he didn't care about Aphra's gaze.

"As many as you want."

Enoch took Rosenta’s hand and put it on his heart. As if literally telling him to do as much as he wanted.

"Even if you ask for my eyes as a token of promise, without a contract, I'll give whatever you ask for."

It was a scary thing to say.

But Enoch's expression was very calm after saying such words, in a way, his expression even looked ecstatic.

As this went on, Aphra kept stepping back and became frightened.

"What are you two talking about?"

The weeds from a corner of the basement crept toward the Aphra. It was obvious that he used his powers.

Rosenta quickly pushed Enoch away.

"Enoch, don't say anything the young lord might be scared of."

He approached Aphra right away.

But Aphra stepped back as he approached.

He was like a scared puppy.

Therefore, Rosenta stopped approaching and began to explain while maintaining a sense of distance.

"Young lord, this place is for the business you mentioned at the time. Since you’ll have to store things, I looked for a spacious and moderately remote place."

"Oh, then this really is about me?”

It was actually about the utilization of Rosenta’s powers and making money, to put it bluntly.

But there was a saying that good is good. Rosenta smiled and didn’t negate Aphra’s understanding.

Aphra looked up at him with moved eyes and clasped his hands together.

"I'll thank you for your sincerity. But I...… I'm just thinking about it, and I'm thinking about the issues of labor and stability...….”

"Don't worry about anything."


"I'll take care of everything, so you just need to lend your ability. And your name, too."

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