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SMLIAG Chapter 63 - Enoch vs. Lysander

SMLIAG Chapter 63 - Enoch vs. Lysander

Mar 13, 2024

Vivian had no choice but to leave early because of Lysander's constant sarcasm.

Along with Enoch, Rosenta watched the carriage of the departing Marigold siblings.

Then he finally asked.

"Why did you do something that I didn’t ask you to do?"

"I saw it."

Enoch didn't take his eyes off the carriage. His eyes narrowed.

He looked like a beast on the verge of hunting, targeting its prey.

"What did you see?"

"A trace."

Enoch's eyes were very violent.

That anger in his light green eyes informed Rosenta of his feelings.


But Enoch's voice calling him was soft.

It made Rosenta more anxious.

"I'd like to go somewhere for a second."

He didn’t reveal his destination.

But Rosenta could immediately deduce where Enoch wanted to go.

Enoch, whose unwavering gaze never left the direction of the carriage, as though chasing it, made it obvious.

"Are you going after them?"

"You should get in trouble if you mess up someone else's house."




Unlike the tranquil scenery outside, the carriage was very noisy.

This is because Vivian and Lysander continued to quarrel in the carriage.

"He looked like a playboy.”

"Oh, my. You must be talking about yourself."

"I'm not a playboy, I'm just a handsome young man."

He was so childish that Vivian couldn't help but think about the evil girls and villains in  novels.

Still, this childish verbal fight was an expression of affection between the two, albeit an extreme one.

"Are you sure you're going to add that duke to the party for the magic circle?"”

"If you're so good, it’s not like adding a few more people will be a big deal."

"What do you mean it's not a big deal? Do you know how much magic is consumed? I'm sure I'll have to live like a corpse for a few days."

"Then get some rest while you're at it."

Vivian spoke coldly, with her arms crossed proudly.

An ordinary brother might have been hurt, but Lysander smiled happily. On top of that, he even praised Vivian's attitude.

"That's a very nice posture. Make sure you cut off all the people who come up to you just like that."

"What did you say?"

If it had been Vivian as a child, she would have listened to him with a nod.

But not now…

After hanging out with Rosenta and Theodore, she had learned how twisted his behavior was.

The brother in front of her explained it all.

"Don't keep trying to brainwash me with messed up things."

If you can't have it, don't let others have it, if you're insulted, give back twice as much, step on them when they try to climb, etc.

‘How many twisted things have you taught me since I was young…….’

Her temper suddenly boiled over.

Vivian swung her high-heeled feet at Lysander.

"Okay. When you kick, aim somewhere lethal. If there's anyone approaching you...…. Hmm. Do you want me to enchant your high heels.”

But Lysander quickly dodged the high heels and said nothing about the kick.

Vivian turned her head away thinking, 'Don't talk.'

‘If I say anything more and get tangled in an argument, the only thing I’ll win is a sore mouth.’

Just as she thought it was going to be quiet now, Lysander suddenly yelled at the coachman.

"Stop! Now!"

When the coachman hurriedly stopped the carriage, Lysander ran out.

Then, without even looking at Vivian, he left her with instructions.

"Don't come out. Never even look outside, OK?"

It was such a terrifying voice.

Scared, Vivian nodded with a firm face.

Lysander shouted at the coachman.

"Hurry up and go!"

Sensing the unusual air, the coachman swung the whip vigorously. The horse raised its front legs and soon began to gallop.

And when the carriage disappeared, someone appeared from across the road.

He was a man in a black robe with a wolf mask on his face.

He was mysteriously disguising himself.

"Who are you?"

Lysander was wary.

Normally, he would have attacked with magic right away, but the opponent didn't seem to be an ordinary person.

The stranger approaching him had a lot of magic...….

"Who am I. Huh? Did you approach it without knowing that?"

**I believe Enoch’s referring to the top floor.

As soon as he finished speaking, magic was generated in the man's hand.

‘I'm sure he didn’t chant the spell.’

Lysander opened his eyes wide with surprise.

"You...… Who are you really?"

"Me? I...….”

It was the blink of an eye.

Lysander covered his face against a sudden gust of wind.

And in that short time, the man suddenly appeared in front of him.

The man slammed Lysander's head to the ground without hesitation.


Lysander could only groan at the pain of his face hitting the ground.

But the man was ruthless.

Lysander’s mouth was pressed against the ground so that he couldn’t chant a spell.

"So, you really don't know who I am? Really?"

Lysander, called a young prodigy of the magic tower, was reduced to this.

This was his first time experiencing humiliation and defeat. Lysander's body trembled with fear.

He just barely managed to shake his head from side to side.

"Hmm. You're still pretending you don't know? Then...… Oh."

The man, Enoch, was about to say something, but he kept his mouth shut.

If he specifically asked about the magical traces, that would be like announcing that Estella Castle was his residence.

I don't want Rosenta to be in trouble.

"Well, I'm sure you’ve been scolded enough at this point. You'd better be careful from now on. There won't be a 2nd time."

Enoch issued a warning and removed his foot, which had been pressing against Lysander's face.

He turned away and took some steps, as though he were leaving, but then he approached Lysander again.

This time, he kicked him hard in the stomach with meaningful words.


"This is punishment for daring to stare."




Rosenta’s location seemed to be the first place Enoch visited upon his return.

He watched him come through the window with a robe and a wolf mask hiding his identity.

It was so sudden that Rosenta just greeted him like he was used to it.

"That was fast."

"It was basically a stroll in the garden.”

Enoch wandered around Rosenta’s bedroom like it was his own and laid his robe roughly over the back of the sofa.

Then he laid himself on the sofa.

Enoch, with his legs crossed, slightly bent his neck and stared at Rosenta.

"Aren't you curious?"

"I'm curious."

Rosenta sat across from Enoch to listen to him properly.

"Where and why did you take a walk."

If there was an accident, Rosenta had to take care of it. On top of that, knowing Enoch's personality, it wouldn't have been an easy walk.

Enoch tilted his upper body towards him.

"I wanted to do more if I could, but I restrained myself as I thought of the duke."

Although the object was omitted, Rosenta could fully comprehend what Enoch had done.

‘I'm sure you beat Lysander badly.’

If someone else had attempted to do this, he wouldn’t have thought it was possible.

But the opponent was Enoch.

If it had been the Enoch from the original story, he would have turned his opponent into a corpse.

Rosenta asked him seriously.

"How bad was it?"

"Not bad enough that he won’t be able to operate the magic circle."

"All right...….”

He praised Enoch.

"Good job."

Enoch's eyes softened as they looked at Rosenta and the corners of his eyes bent.

It was a very sweet smile.


But Rosenta still had one unanswered question.

The reason.

‘You haven't told me why you went to see Lysander yet.’

"Why did you go to see him?"

Enoch's eyes sank coldly at his question.

He could see Enoch's upper body, which had been leaning toward him little by little, returning to its original position.

Enoch spoke calmly.

"You should get in trouble if you do something wrong."

"I can't believe he’s in trouble. What did the young lord do wrong?”

"The intruder on the top floor."

It was a sparse explanation.

But he immediately understood what Enoch was referring to.

Mages are said to have their own magic color and energy.

Detecting this was impossibly difficult even for those sensitive to magic.

But it was possible for Enoch.

A pivotal figure who rose to the top of the magic tower with quick, overwhelming power. That was Enoch.

"Does that mean the young lord was the intruder that time?"

At his question, a faint smile came to Enoch's mouth.


It was a confident answer.

"The magical trace ignorantly left on the top floor...…. It was the same color and energy as his."

Since Enoch spoke so firmly, Rosenta could trust him.

Well, that didn't change anything because to him, Lysander was nothing more than his friend's brother.

So, for him, whether Enoch's identity was at risk of being exposed, that was the more important question.

"Did he recognize you by any chance?"

"He didn't recognize me, but...…. He may soon realize because of this wolf mask."

Enoch shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm the one who killed the tower master and ran away. Oh, wait. I guess he should have realized it right away. If he were after me, that is."

He answered very lightly as if he were talking about someone else. Like it wasn’t a big deal.

But it was a big deal to Rosenta. A very big deal, too.

Enoch’s calm reaction made him feel more anxious.

He asked Enoch for more details.

"If he could see your magic, he could recognize you at once."

Even as he said that Enoch was not very impressed.

Rather, he twisted his head and snorted with a smug smile on his lips.

"You can excel as a wizard, but that doesn’t mean you’re a mana-sensitive person."

‘Come to think of it, when Lysander saw me earlier, he didn't seem interested in my magical tools at all.’

‘No, I don’t think he even noticed.’

It had been a while since he entered the magic tower. Rosenta had been afraid that he had become sensitive to mana...….

That was a useless worry.

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