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SMLIAG Chapter 53 - Back home

SMLIAG Chapter 53 - Back home

Jan 12, 2024

Things were much better than they were while traveling just a few days ago.

This time, because they moved according to their original plan, they could stop at small villages more often.

Rosenta’s body was certainly comfortable.

However, Aphra added mental fatigue.

Aphra repeatedly admired men with strong bodies due to farming.

"Oh, that's amazing. The men here look feminine."

Not only that, but he also burst into admiration toward women.

"Women really...…. this is a place where they decorate themselves as much as men. It must be hard to find my preferred type here."

‘I wonder if I've actually become more comfortable…’ (Rosenta’s thoughts)

Aphra did not hide his tendency to chat, regardless of time and place.

The more he exclaimed, the more distressed his companions were.

In fact, when no one was looking, Enoch glared at Aphra as if he wanted to hit him.

In the end, Rosenta couldn't bear it any longer and said something to Aphra.

"Prince Cardia."

"Oh please. Don’t speak so formally; call me Aphra. I'll be spending time with the duke often in the future; it's not good to be so distant."

His name was called sternly, but it was a cheerful voice that came back.

Rosenta’s strength was dampened.

"Well…… Aphra."


Rosenta’s resolve to tell him to shut up had collapsed.

He started to worry about how to say it so that Aphra’s feelings wouldn’t be hurt.

"I know this place is different from Silva. That's why you have a variety of emotions."

"Yes, it's so fascinating. At first, I was so scared to go to a strange, new place, but now I'm looking forward to it."

"Yes, but it is different and there will be a lot to learn."

Rosenta took a step back.

‘I have no choice but to retreat for now and educate him bit by bit when we get back to the castle.’

‘At the moment, I’d rather leave that bright-eyed man alone.’

‘Although our ears will be sacrificed.’

"Ah! I...… Can I go over there and take a look at the accessories?”

"Yes, go ahead."

Aphra ran to a jewelry store.

The coachman was responsible for escorting Aphra, so he hurried after him.

Now only Enoch and Rosenta were left alone on the streets of the village.

Rosenta naturally began to move in the opposite direction.

When he saw Aphra running to the jewelry store, he remembered that he hadn’t been able to buy Vivian's gift.

"Hmm. What should I buy her?"

He wandered around the clothing store while looking for nothing in particular.

It was the countryside, but there were plenty of places like boutiques.

It was funny how he couldn’t really judge the dresses.

He’d never really had the chance to handle dresses like this...…. Above all, they weren’t particularly relevant to him as he was.

Maybe it was because he kept fiddling with one of the dresses and letting it go.

Enoch spoke softly, as though Rosenta would naturally wear it, "I would recommend a purple dress for the duke. It would suit you very well."

“……It's not for me."

Perhaps because of Enoch's words, Rosenta was now bothered by the way the clerk was looking him up and down.

Rosenta turned his body around and got himself out of the boutique.

He’d given up on buying a dress.

It would be better to go into a jewelry store and buy a suitable gift there.

Having made that decision, he headed to where Aphra had entered earlier.

It would be better to have someone to choose with rather than doing it alone.

"Well, I don't think this suits me. From your perspective as the owner of this store, which do you think is better?”

"For a man, it’s a bit flamboyant...….”

"What are you talking about? Since I'm a man, I should go with something more colorful and pretty."

Aphra had fancy pearl earrings in his ears.

Rosenta approached Aphra's side and pointed his finger at a pair of earrings.

"Aphra, I think these earrings will suit you."

"Oh, Duke?"

"I'll buy this for you as a gift. Owner, how much is this?”

He took out his wallet.

Unlike the owner of the jewelry store who welcomed the purchase, Aphra stopped was shocked, and blocked it.

"Oh, no! Why would you buy this for me…….”

"It's because I have a favor to ask you. Let's say it's a kind of bribe."

Only then did Aphra lower his hand that had been blocking Rosenta.

Not missing his chance, the owner of the jewelry store quickly told him the price.

"Five gold."

After paying the bill, Rosenta handed the earrings to Aphra. It was a gold clam earring with a pearl inside.

Aphra put the earrings on with a reddish face.

Then he asked Rosenta, "What would you like to ask me for?"

"It's simple. I'd like to give my friend some pretty accessories, but I'm not sure which ones would be good."

"If that's the case, leave it to me!"

Aphra picked out different earrings with an excited face.

From those, Rosenta would select options that Vivian would like.

This process was repeated.

Finally, a set of rings, necklaces, and earrings was left. The color combination matched so well that it could almost be considered a single set.

Then Rosenta told the owner.

"Give these to me."




The sun came up. They packed their bags and prepared to leave without anyone saying anything.

After he got into the carriage, Rosenta checked Aphra's intentions, as had become his daily habit.

"Are you not going to ride the carriage again today?"

"Yes, I rode it for a while last time, but I can't because it made my butt uncomfortable."

A carriage should have been more comfortable than a horse, but unfamiliarity was inconvenient.

Because of that, every time the seat opposite Rosenta was naturally occupied by Enoch.

Now there were words that came out of his mouth automatically whenever Enoch got into the carriage.

"Close your eyes."

Had an error occurred.

Enoch, who had listened to him faithfully every time, did not close his eyes this time.

Rather, he looked at him more intensely. As if asking Rosenta to hear out his dissatisfaction.

But no words were spoken.

‘If I don’t want to listen, I just have to avoid him. There’s no need to make my mouth sore talking.’

He rested one arm by the window. Then he rested his chin and stared outside.


Rosenta made eye contact with Aphra, who was riding a horse. He smiled at him.

Rosenta also raised the corners of his mouth in response.

It was then.

Suddenly there was a black shadow in front of him. A strong force pushed him.

His upper body fell back on the bench.

At the same time, he heard the sound of the carriage window closing violently.

"Enoch, what are you doing?"

He looked up at the shadow looming over him.

Enoch spoke softly in a low, resonant voice.


"I thought you said you wouldn't do anything that I wouldn't like."

"I did. But…….”

Enoch's expression, looking down at him, gradually distorted like a yaksha.

[Yaksha or Yaksa are a type of nature spirit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaksha]

It wasn’t an expression of anger.

He just looked like a child learning about emotions. A child who is confused by something they are experiencing for the first time.

So Rosenta couldn't push Enoch away.

He quietly watched Enoch. Enoch also quietly watched him. So, they just looked at each other.

Until Enoch spoke again, "If I don’t do something like this, I’ll go crazy."




After that, Enoch and Rosenta spoke only as master and butler. Other than that, they didn't mix words.

He thought Enoch would talk to him again one day.

Enoch had always been like that.

So Rosenta didn't care too much. He thought it would only be a little while.

That little while turned into a full day, then they arrived at the duke’s castle.

"Giddy up!"

The carriage passed through the village at the entrance to the castle.

Soon, the entrance to Estella Castle appeared bearing the family crest containing a skull and frog.

The soldiers who recognized the coachman and the carriage saluted and opened the entrance.

From then on, Rosenta’s hands couldn't remain still. His mind became busy.

‘I need to get inside quickly. The goods should have arrived by today.’

‘I want to run and get started right away.’

"Duke, we've arrived...….”

Rosenta opened the door wide before the coachman's horse had fully stopped.

He was about to immediately step out when he made eye contact with Aphra, who was looking at him from afar.


‘I need to introduce him, and I need to give him a room.


He turned to look at Enoch, as always, to order him to do something.

At that moment, he was surprised.

Enoch's cold eyes were seen behind his monocle.

Even though he was busy, he was strangely concerned about those eyes.  Like when Theodore and Vivian had a falling out.

But he hadn’t forgotten his priorities.

He barely managed to take his eyes off of him, though he didn’t want to.

"Aphra, my butler will show you around the castle. I’ll have a proper room prepared for you in the meantime."

"Oh, yes!"

Leaving only those words, Rosenta turned away completely.

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