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SMLIAG Chapter 39 - The missing coat

SMLIAG Chapter 39 - The missing coat

Jul 01, 2023

This chapter is short, but the end of a larger chapter of the novel.

At the same time, the household of Marquis Marigold was in a frenzy.

This was because a very important article of clothing had disappeared.

Specifically, Vivian was searching the whole mansion with a very troubled face.

Unlike the usual Vivian, who always valued her decorous appearance, this day her curly pink hair flew about wildly as she searched.

That's how hectic things were at the mansion.

The whole family was mobilized, and they were eager to find the coat.

At first, they didn't understand why they had to put off their work and put so much effort into finding some clothing.

However, after hearing who the owner of the clothes was, they nodded in unison.

"Dona! Didn't you see the coat? I'm sure I left it here…….”

"Yes, I definitely left it here. Just in case, I'll ask the other maids, too."

Vivian questioned every person she met as if she was leading an interrogation.

But the whereabouts of the coat remained unknown. By this time, other people would have already given up.

But Vivian burned with even more fighting spirit.

The neat mansion went from a bit chaotic to a full-blown mess.

And this mess was still surging when Vivian's parents and eldest brother came back.

"Vivian! What are you doing!?”

Vivian didn't even budge at the sound of admonishment.

On the contrary, she even asked them.

"Father, did you touch my coat by any chance? Or big brother?”

"What coat are you talking about? Our parents and I were out of the mansion all day.”

"Never mind then."

Vivian waved one hand as if she were no longer interested.

Then she walked past her family.

In a way, it could have been seen as rude, but they didn't say anything.

Her brother then said, "Why is she making such a fuss this time?" It must be related to Duke Estella or His Majesty again."


Vivian turned suddenly.

She strode up to her eldest brother, Lennox Marigold.

She grabbed Lennox by the shoulder and put on a serious look.

"Big brother."


His little sister had come to him first.

Lennox looked at Vivian with a thrilled expression.

He was confident that he would give her his full salary if she asked for a loan.

Or even if she asked for luxury goods from other regions, he would definitely buy them.

Vivian, who could not know Lennox's inner thoughts, smiled brightly.


She leaned on him as if she were a gangster in a back alley.

"I heard that you’re learning life magic as a hobby these days...….”




Lennox's green hair drooped down like wilted grass.

This was because he wouldn’t be able to show his best side to his little sister.

"Not only have I never learned detection magic, but it's the highest level of magic for me...….”

"Try it first."

Lennox was stunned and discouraged at his younger sister as she stared at him wide-eyed with desperation.

Lennox rolled his red eyes as if embarrassed.

"Well, I will. Well…….”

Lennox raised the white flag at the words of his stubborn sister. Then he stretched out one arm and cast the detection magic.


There was no significant, visible change.

No, the magic didn't work at all, actually. For those who learn as a hobby, detection magic was impossible.

"I can't do it."

The magic didn't even work, but his sweat was pouring.

However, Vivian kept looking for clothes as if she had been possessed by a detective, as if she couldn’t even see her brother's suffering.

"Then is there a thief?”

Lennox sighed decisively.

To start, there was a magical barrier around the Marquis’ mansion.

It was like a protective shelter created by the wise men of the Mage Tower.

There was no way a person could break through and enter.

"Haven’t you just misplaced it?"

"Hmm... ...when the mage from the tower gets here, he’ll know for sure whether there’s been an intruder."

Hearing that, Lennox was astonished.

"Did you call a wizard?"


"Then why did you make me do it?"

"I just asked in the hopes that I’d have an answer as soon as possible.”

At that brazen reply, Lennox's laugh leaked out of its own accord.

It was ridiculous, but he still felt his sister's eccentricity to be cute.

It was a proper sister complex.

"When did you call?"

"This morning."

‘If she called in the morning, they’ll be here soon.’

Lennox pondered for a moment whether or not to intervene.

It was a useless worry.

"Vivian, in high society these days…….”

"Oh! The Wizard is here!"

As Lennox was speaking, the wizard arrived.

Vivian passed Lenox without hesitation and approached the wizard.

Lennox was dumbfounded by his sister's immediate abandonment of him, so he stared blankly at her back.

But the way he looked at his sister was extremely warm.

"I’m the one who’s your brother...….”

While sticking his lips out into a pout, he soon followed behind Vivian.

He greeted the middle-aged wizard, who was greeting her.

"Long time no see, Mr. Hubert."

"Nice to see you."

They seemed familiar.

"Do you know each other?"

In response to Vivian's question, Lennox explained it to her with a face that said, "Oh dear."

"He works under Lysander.”

Lysander Marigold.

He was the second son of Marquis Marigold, and a sorcerer in training at the Tower.

"My name is Hubert Oldman. It's a pleasure to meet you, Young Lady."

After a brief greeting, Hubert went straight to the point.

It was as if he knew why he had been called there.

"Are you trying to find an intruder?"

Lennox was shocked at the remark.

"What do you mean by an intruder? Don't tell me…”

Hubert was a rarity in the Mage Tower. He was a man sensitive to magic.

Therefore, these types of requests were mainly his responsibility.

Hubert explained the traces that he had felt and was familiar with. In addition to that, he came to his own conclusion.

"I examined the entrance on my way in, and I saw traces that were so faint, I could barely even notice it.”

"That means..."

"It was faint, but there must be an intruder who seems to have learned magic."

There was a moment of silence.

Lennox touched his forehead and groaned.


"Is there anything missing?"

Hubert's gaze turned to Vivian.

Vivian, however, was quite hesitant to bring it up.

"If you can tell me anything, I think it would be helpful in finding the intruder by comparing it against the list of mages from the Tower.”

Vivian's hesitation was short-lived at his soft tone.

She slowly opened her mouth.

"That's…… one coat is missing…but…. There's no way a wizard with such excellent skills would have only taken that coat...….”


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