16 прихильники(ів)
SMLIAG Chapter 13

SMLIAG Chapter 13

Feb 12, 2023

Unlike normal wizards, he did not memorize long spells.

Even though he’d only recited a simple chant, the mana radiating from his fingertips created wind.

The surrounding sand was pushed away.

As if we were the only ones in another world, it was quiet and peaceful around us in this desert.

Wolf's dark hair blew in the strong wind.

His hair, exposed to the hot sunlight, had a silky luster and looked like obsidian.

Wolf's eyes, which usually looked languid, seemed to show a moment of vitality.

Then, as a habit, he licked his upper lip with his tongue and said, “I’ll be back.”

Wolf put on a mask that he had taken out of his pocket and walked toward the whirlwind.

Like the miracle of Moses, the sandstorm parted wherever Wolf went, opening the way for him.

However, Rosenta’s eyes kept going to something other than that magnificent and amazing sight.


Wolf's mask was somehow familiar.

It was a mask modeled after the face of a black wolf, just like his nickname 'Wolf'.

As if Rosenta had seen it somewhere, something seemed to come to his mind.

“Long hair, black like ebony, a wolf mask… … .”

He muttered these two words over and over as if it were a magic spell.

Then it dawned on him.

A boy who had fallen asleep in the midst of blurred memories.

“…… Enoch?"

Suddenly the floor shook violently.

Rosenta tottered in his seat and nearly fell off the camel.

It seemed that the situation next to him was the same as Vivian's screams were heard over and over again.

“Oh my god!”

The situation continued on like that.

They were clinging to the camels as if they were a lifeline. The only thing Rosenta could do was raise his head and look straight ahead.

Powerful winds blew randomly, as if trying to scatter the power of the whirlpool in different directions.

And along with the wind, an earthen wall was spontaneously being created. Occasionally, Rosenta saw something, that looked like a huge rock, fall.

He lost his mind.

‘Is this the magic of the person who will become known as the most powerful mage?’

But the surprise was short-lived.

It wasn’t long before he lowered his head. He couldn't overcome his sore neck and the shaking ground.

Clinging to the camel, he hoped it would end quickly.


The Duke of Grey came to meet them as they returned, covered in sand and exhausted.

He was very surprised to see them.

Maybe it was because they had returned after successfully getting rid of the sandstorm without any casualties.

“You’re alright… … . ah! Your butler... … Too bad.”

However, when he saw Wolf hanging on the camel behind Rosenta like a pack, Duke Grey shook his head.

He seemed to think Wolf was dead. But Wolf hadn't died; he as just resting. 

Because he had used a lot of mana, he’d fallen into a deep sleep.

‘He'll probably just sleep for a few days.’

“He’s not dead. He just fainted.”

“Aha, that is very fortunate. So, are you planning to return right now? Hmm… … Lady Vivian looks tired too. Why don't you stay for a few more days?”

‘How funny. He isn’t worried about us.’

It was clear that his bright yellow hair was full of thoughts of getting along well with Vivian.

Rosenta firmly wanted to refuse.

But before he could even get his thoughts in order, Vivian answered first, and with a very annoyed tone at that.

“No, I think it would be more difficult to stay here at this point. I’d like to return to the mansion quickly and get some rest. Since we got rid of the sandstorm, could you give us some griffins in return?”

This was the ability of the Dukes of the Grey Duchy.

They were descendants of tamers and had been taming monsters for generations.

The most famous of the monsters they’d tamed was the Griffin.

Griffins could be ridden through the skies to keep surveillance on the state of affairs in the desert and could be used to transport needed supplies and water.

Because of this, within the Terrian desert, griffins were a very rare, precious existence.

And Vivian was now proudly demanding a griffin, which was so valuable, as a means of transportation.

"Young lady, that's... … .”

“Duke Grey! Look at us. Really! The Duke must have been aware of that sandstorm! I'm glad I made it back alive. How could you send us to such a place... … .”

Vivian glanced at Duke Grey.

In fact, Vivian's personality wasn’t exactly good. Unlike the way she behaved around Rosenta and Theodore, Vivian the socialite was rumored to be ill-tempered.

That was why she could dominate the social world.

Vivian's straightforward personality seemed to be on full display here as well.

She was subtly putting pressure on the Duke.

“Of course, it must be because the Duke didn't know. Isn't that right?”

“Well, I can spare one griffin… … .”


It was a tremendous speed that could not be compared to that of a horse.

Thanks to that, it was possible to reach the outskirts of the capital, before morning, a day later.

First, they brought down Wolf, who was tied to the griffin's body.

Then, the attendant who had carried Vivian and Wolf got off of the griffin's back.

The griffin, who had finished lowering everyone, flapped his wings again and rose into the air.

After confirming that the griffin was leaving, Rosenta gave an order to the attendant who had gone with them.

“First, move Wolf to an empty room in the duke's castle. I will escort Lady Vivian home.”

"Yes. I understand, Duke.”

The attendant left first, carrying Wolf on his back.

The Estella castle wasn’t far from the area they had landed in, so he was sure to arrive soon and Rosenta didn't have to worry.

However, Vivian, who lived in the middle of the capital, still had a long way to go.

Vivian was unusually quiet, perhaps because she hadn't slept well while clinging to Griffin's back.

They hastened their pace and caught a carriage in a village.

As soon as the coach started, Rosenta could see Vivian's eyes slowly closing.



She seemed to be trying to pretend she wasn't sleepy, but no matter how he looked at it, he looked tired.

He quietly moved next to Vivian. He pulled her face slightly toward his shoulder and whispered softly, “I will wake you up when we arrive.”

Soon, he heard Vivian's soft breathing on his shoulder.


Theodore Helios.

He was the emperor of the Helios Empire.

An emperor who must put the comfort and peace of the empire first.

But lately, other thoughts kept filling Theodore's mind.

It was because, even though it had been several days since they left for Terrian, he hadn't heard from his friends.

Maybe something happened.

No, no news is good news.

Theodore's head went back and forth between worry and calm dozens of times a day.


Something snapped.

He had gripped it so hard, the fountain pen's tip broke.

Seeing that, Theodore came to his senses.

He took a deep breath and read the document in front of him. Although he didn't retain any of it.

As he slowly regained his concentration, he heard a careful knock on the office door.


“Come in.”

The attendant standing outside slowly opened the door and entered.

He bowed and handed Theodore a rolled-up piece of paper.

“This is a letter from Duke Rosenta Estella.”

Theodore quickly snatched the letter as though someone would take it away.

But he didn't open it right away.

Instead, he issued a quick order to the attendant who was looking at him confusedly.

“Wait outside.”


It was only after the attendant left that Theodore opened the letter.

It contained only brief information.

〈Terrian safely resolved. Arrived. I'm too tired, so I'm going to take a few days off.>

It was so glib that the concerns of the past seemed overblown.

But Theodore didn't care. The fact that they came back was more important than anything else.

Only then could he let go of his worries.

“You arrived safely… … .”

After they left, he couldn't sleep at night when thoughts of the worst would invade his mind.

No one could know how much he agonized.

"Thank god."

Theodore buried his face in the letter and raised a corner of his mouth.

He was a man before he was an emperor.

He too felt lonely and burdened by the expectations that were placed on him.

They were the ones who alleviated those feelings every time.

Rosenta and Vivian.

The thought of them brought another thin smile to Theodore's lips.


Theodore raised his head from the letter and called the attendant waiting outside.

“Did you call?”

“Go to the clinic, prepare a month’s supply of medicine that is good for relieving fatigue. And as soon as it's done... … .”

Theodore stopped talking and kept his mouth shut. He seemed to be sorting out a thought.

After a while, he opened his mouth again.

“No, it would be better for them to rest today… … . Tomorrow, I will bring it to the estates of Marquis Marigold and Duke Estella in person.”


Rosenta fell asleep soundly.

The accumulated fatigue must have been so great that he skipped meals and went straight to sleep.

When he woke up, it was a bright sunny day.

He straightened his messy hair and got out of bed.

It was true what they used to say, ‘When you leave home, it can seem fun and exciting, but no matter how boring it is, there’s no better sleep than sleeping at home.’


He almost called Wolf.

‘The name Wolf seems to have become stuck in my mouth in a matter of days. I’m now looking for Wolf without even realizing it.’

He let out a shallow sigh and rang the bell.

Anna appeared.

“Duke, did you get a good night’s sleep? We have prepared warm water in advance so that you can wash right away.”

‘Come to think of it, it seems like it’s been two days since I last washed properly.’

Recognizing that fact made him feel uncomfortable.

After that thought, he wanted to take a bath so he quickly moved to the bathroom.

Then he stopped walking.

It was because he suddenly remembered that Wolf was sleeping in the castle.


“He’s still asleep. However… … Who is he?”

‘I know. I'm curious too.’

Rosenta wondered if, before Wolf became such a dark person, he was that boy who was nestled in the back of Rosenta’s memory.

But the only person who could answer that question was asleep.

Rosenta replied with a shrug.


At his ambiguous answer, Anna kept her mouth shut. It's probably because she read that he had no intention of telling her.

When he entered the bathroom, as always, he handed over the magic tools to Anna.

She ordered her, "I'll call you when I’m done."

“Yes, then I will be waiting out front.”

Watching Anna leave the bathroom, she lazily stretched her body and soaked in the bath.

She felt the remaining fatigue being relieved at once and thought about what would happen in the near future step-by-step.

“The heroine will appear soon.”

Han Yura. That was the name of the female protagonist.

An ordinary Korean high school student.

However, after coming this world, she will be revered as a saint who has traveled from another dimension.

Rosa [Rosenta’s female name] didn't want to see Theodore collapse even a little bit, so she’d solved the sandstorm crisis immediately... … .

According to the plot, Han Yura was supposed to fall from the sky and solve this problem.

Falling right into the arms of Theodore, who was taking a walk.

“What kind of personality do you have?”

Most readers liked the heroine, Han Yura, saying that she was an archetypical girl who grew up only receiving unconditional love.

In addition, she held the position of a saint, a Munchkin type.

In fact, Rosa had been one of the readers who found Yura cute.

But not now.

She was a character living in this novel, so she couldn't just look at it as a story in a book.

She knew what would happen in the future after Yura fell.

Theodore and Vivian were on good terms now, but... … .

‘What if the relationship between the two becomes atrocious like the original story because of Yura?’

"I am… … .”

‘I will definitely take Vivian's side. Because the Vivian I know wouldn't bully someone for no reason.’

But to prevent that, she couldn't distort the story at will.

She had to keep things level so as not to deviate too much from the original. It was the best way to make sure problems remained predictable.

"Then I'll have to put things back."

Before Yura came, Rosa had to put Wolf back first. To the point before meeting her.

Establishing a new relationship with Wolf would be quite a headache.


This was a sticky situation.

‘By the way, what if he really is Enoch? It's looks like I gave him a name before the female lead.’

‘No. Strictly speaking, I gave him a temporary name...’

“That’s it.”

It was like she was agonizing endlessly. Like she was trapped on a treadmill.

As she tilted her head, she could feel the warm water tickling her hair.

She wiped her face.

Whether temporary or not, the most important thing for Wolf was that he had a 'name'.

‘If you've already been given a name because of me, you won't be very impressed, even if the female lead appears and gives you a name as well.’

“But the best way of figuring out if you’re Enoch is to check with you yourself.”

Even if she thought and thought alone, the answer would not come out.

The die was cast, and she had no choice but to surrender to the flow.

However, it would be helpful if she could predict what kind of flow things would take.

She got out of the bathtub.

Covering herself with a gown, she called for Anna.


Anna, who seemed to have heard her voice, entered the bathroom holding the jewelry box.

“I need to go see Wolf.”


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