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Clint Jeffrey - VK3CSJ bought 10 coffees.
Hello Jakup from Melbourne Australia, what a wonderful program and concept. Love the graphics although I wonder if you have thought about applying the graphics to Google Earth?...would that be possible?....but I also love the concentric P wave rings that emanate out from an Earthquake, I'm still to see a correlation between GlobalQuake and my local Seismometer, I'm using a INFILTEC unit which is reporting to the IRIS Network my Station is NWS (VK3CSJ) just 40KM S/E of Melbourne, very tempted to get the Raspberry Pi Seismometer and join your Network....;)

RH bought 3 coffees.
Thanks for making such a great app - has worked many times for alerting me early for earthquakes especially since I live in New Zealand. Keep it up! :)

TOWA YAMADA bought a coffee.

Someone bought 5 coffees.
great app - keep up the good work!