🌟 Star Member
Передбачає винагороди Discord
A special `Supporter` role if you're in my Dashboards Support Discord server
Virtual hug 🤗
Every bit helps, thanks! 💙
🔮 Crystall Ball Member
Передбачає винагороди Discord
I will prioritize your bug reports or feature requests on my open source projects
You'll be featured on https://jahir.dev/donate
A special `Supporter` role if you're in my Dashboards Support Discord server
Virtual hug 🤗
Every bit helps, thanks! 💙
🚀 Rocket Member
Передбачає винагороди Discord
I will create a simple one-page static website for you or your company
Early and free access to my future projects
I will prioritize your bug reports or feature requests on my open source projects
You'll be featured on https://jahir.dev/donate
A special `Supporter` role if you're in my Dashboards Support Discord server
Virtual hug 🤗
Every bit helps, thanks! 💙
💎 Diamond Member
Передбачає винагороди Discord
Monthly 30 mins session to help you fix issues with my dashboards or troubleshoot any android or web app
I will personally tweet about my gratitude for your support, and also post a weekly tweet promoting any of your apps or
I will create a simple one-page static website for you or your company
Early and free access to my future projects
You'll be featured on https://jahir.dev/donate
A special `Supporter` role if you're in my Dashboards Support Discord server
Virtual hug 🤗
Every bit helps, thanks! 💙
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