How Long is Too Long? Navigating Ideal L ...

How Long is Too Long? Navigating Ideal Length Your Literature Review in Academic Writing?

Jan 10, 2024

If you are writing a dissertation or research paper, you are aware of how crucial it is to include a comprehensive literature review. Be that as it may, precisely how long should your writing audit be comparable to the remainder of your work? There is no one-size-fits-all answer how many words should a literature review be, but there are a few things you can do to help determine how long your review should be. 

One might find solace in seeking British dissertation help when delving into the vast realm of academic writing. Particularly when writing a dissertation specifically in British English. English paper help administrations with offering significant help, support students in exploring the difficult areas of academic work.

These services provide crucial guidance that is tailored to the stringent requirements of British academia, including the formulation of research questions and the organization of the literature review. Here, we'll examine optimal length for literature and what data to remember for your writing audit.

What Is a Literature Review?

A literature review is a basic synopsis and assessment of the current resources (e.g., books and diary articles) on a particular subject or examination question. It is an essential component of academic writing in all fields and categories, including dissertations. Basically, writing surveys help contextualize your examinations and show how your work is expanding on existing exploration.

Regardless of ideal length for academic review is, it should:

  1. Establish setting for your dissertation (i.e., give pertinent foundation data so your reader figures out the verifiable meaning of your review).

  2. Recognize gaps in the current writing (like ignored questions or parts of your point).

  3. Feature huge ideas connected with your subject.

  4. Refer to applicable investigations.

  5. Support your contention.

A literature review must also critically examine the sources cited in your study, taking into account things like sample size, research design, and potential biases. Make certain to structure your writing survey utilizing the equivalent referring to style as the remainder of your exploration paper (e.g., APA, Chicago, MLA).

Types of Literature Review

Literature reviews can be divided into two categories:

  1. Narrative Literature Review: This kind of literature gives a thorough outline of the writing on a point. It doesn't follow a particular strategy or set of rules, and it may exclude a measurable examination of the writing.

  2. Systematic Literature Review: This sort of survey follows a thorough strategy to distinguish, break down, and orchestrate all pertinent writing on a subject. It incorporates a definite inquiry methodology, consideration and prohibition measures, and a factual examination of the information.

(helpwithdissertation, 2023)

What's the Ideal Length for a Literature Review?

The length of your literature review relies upon a few variables, including the degree and motivation behind your examination. As a rule, the length of the survey ought to be proportionate to your general paper. If you're writing a dissertation with 50,000 words, for instance, your literature review will probably be a whole chapter with about 20 pages. On the off chance that it's for a 15-page research paper, your writing survey may just be a couple of pages

The following are a few factors that could influence the length of your literature review:

  1. Institutional rules: Continuously check the rules given by your establishment or diary (like an APA diary). There might be a particular length or word count expected for distribution.

  2. Scope: Your literature review might be shorter if your research topic is specific and limited. On the other hand, your review might need to be longer if your topic is wide-ranging and includes a large amount of literature.

  3. Subject of study: The length of literature reviews may be expected to be different by academic field. For instance, humanities literature reviews may be longer than natural sciences ones.

Also, think about your audience. If your writing survey is for an overall crowd or a class task, it can presumably be more limited and less specific. In any case, on the off chance that it's for a scholarly crowd in your field of study, you might be more careful and give a broad audit of the current writing.

What Is The Ideal Word Count For A Literature Review?

A common concern for prospective students is word count. Finding the ideal balance is essential: if your literature review is too long, it could wind up being an exhaustive digression; if it is too short, it might not have enough substance. What is the appropriate word count for a literature review?

An overall rule is to hold back nothing 25% of the all-out paper word count. This amounts to a literature review of 2,000 to 2,500 words for a typical dissertation of 10,000 words. In any case, it's fundamental to focus on higher standards when in doubt, guaranteeing each word contributes seriously to the academic talk.

Writing Advice for Literature Reviews

The first thing to keep in mind while writing a literature review is to avoid including studies that are not directly related to your research because this will confuse and irritate the reader. It causes people to lose focus on the goal of your research. Furthermore, a solid literature review cannot be produced by merely noting the names of the researchers and their conclusions. Regardless of the sort of study, you can produce a solid review by using the following approach 

  1. Make Sure Your Research Question And Topic Are Correct: 

An extraordinary, intriguing theme makes a decent writing survey stick out. Make sure the research question is manageable, but choose topics that are relevant, interesting, and hot in your field. Know the most important terms associated with your field of study. Examine the subjects with your bosses or companions to grasp milestone/fundamental writing works.

  1. Choose The Scope Of Your Evaluation:

This relies upon the idea of your review. Settle on the quantity of articles you need to peruse, the recentness of these articles, and how extensive these are.

  1. Go For Solid Information Sources: 

A significant stage recorded as a hard copy a decent writing survey is gathering information. Your information sources ought to incorporate academic articles, books, shows, gatherings, papers, and postulations. A simple spot to look is the discipline-wise exploration guides made by custodians. R Discovery, SciSpace Discover, Sysrev, and Colandr are additional tools that can speed up your literature search.

  1. Track your Searches: 

Use RefWorks, Mendeley, or Zotero to track your research citations and get templates. Peruse the theory to decide articles of interest. Connecting research and important categories can be outlined with the help of maps and charts. More significant examinations can be distinguished from book indices or references of these exploration studies.

  1. Keep notes:

This is valuable to composing a decent writing survey as it assists you with recollecting the significant ideas examined in the writing. It will likewise assist you with following your manners of thinking during the beginning phases of exploration.

A Journey through "Doing a Literature Review" by Hart (2018)

Hart's 2018 show-stopper, "Doing a Literature Review : Releasing the Research Imagination," is a dazzling excursion through the specialty of writing literature review. It examines the intricate research process over 352 pages and emphasizes the liberation of creative thinking. From unwinding the examination scene to cultivating creative investigation, Hart's work fills in as an aide for researchers, opening the capability of the exploration creative mind. (Hart, C., 2018.)


Finding the right length for your literature review is a delicate balance in academic writing. English thesis assistance platforms serve as valuable companions and provide individualized guidance during this expedition. The fundamental objective of a literature review is to give a total understanding of the ongoing award, not the quantity of words it should contain.

Try your best at the length that agrees to the educational accuracy of your investigation, maintaining accuracy without sacrificing significance. As you examine this fantastic scene, may your making survey be an appearing of your speedy limit, contributing genuinely to the instructive talk.


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