What are the Values of Aluminum Cans?

What are the Values of Aluminum Cans?

Mar 20, 2022


You've come to the right place if you want to know how much your aluminum cans are worth. You must know the value of your cans regardless of how you obtain them, or you risk being ripped off when turning them in.

We have the answer for you, no matter how you got your cans, but before you can figure out how much they're worth, you must first ask yourself the most crucial question:

Do you want the best deal or the fastest cash?

What is the significance of such question?

Because you may make anywhere from a few pennies to hundreds or thousands of dollars depending on how many cans you have and how much effort you're prepared to put in.

You have aluminum cans and are looking for cash. Metal is always worth money, so you're in luck.

Go to article for complete info >

In a pound, how many aluminum cans are there?
The average aluminum can is 14-15 grams in weight. A pound weighs approximately 454 grams. Using those figures, a complete pound requires about 31 to 33 cans.

10KG Propane Melting Furnace Foundry Kit Smelt Gold, Copper, Brass

Get Up to Date Aluminum Cans Price Per Pound in Arizona:

Phoenix - E-Z Money Recycling

Tempe - I-Buy-Scrap

Click here For California, Ohio, Texas, Wisconsin

Find a recycling center in your area or research information about recyclable materials and recycling methods.

The two most important things to know:

Lesson 1: Call Around. Prices Vary Greatly!

What struck me the most about the pricing was how much it varied even within the same state. Some recycling centers paid as much as 15 cents per pound more. Other places quoted me a flat rate that was better than some recycling centers’ bulk rates!

Lesson 2: 100 Pounds. 100 is the aluminum can magic number!

If you’re going for bulk, then 100 pounds seems to be the magic number. Any place I called that had a bulk pricing tier gave their best price for 100 pounds or more. BUT! Make sure the bulk price is worth the effort. Some places quoted a flat rate that was as good or better than other places’ bulk rates!

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