is completely user funded. That means no banner ads, no paywall. It's completely user funded. It's just like PBS. Anyone can use it, but if nobody gives, it goes dark.
The guy who started this thing, he's completely under water. He can't get a grip on this thing.
Sostenitori recenti

Craig Robertson bought a coffee.

Someone bought a coffee.
I could not possibly express how much joy this site has brought to me. This is actually the pinnacle of humanity's knowledge, a modern-day Alexandria. This website is my exact style. And when you stop by a website and you see all the quotes that you love, you go in. Yes, you do. You go in.

Uncle Tony bought 3 coffees.
This is a genuinely good idea for a website, since Netflix aggressively warps ITYSL content on other sites and it makes referencing this masterpiece bizarrely hard, ESPECIALLY if you don't subscribe to shita$$ netflix. The fact that it's not all crossed up with popup ads blows my mind.