October is Chai Month! We've got lots of great stuff coming for you, lot's of thought, effort, time, and energy went into this month's posts. For the first time EVER there will be NEW content EVERY FRIDAY OF THE WHOLE MONTH. Learn more about it here in this article: . First post kicks off October 2nd (tomorrow) so keep checking back. Happy sipping!
It's Chai Month!
Oct 02, 2020
Hi! My name is Jasmine, and I'm the creator/writer/chai enthusiast of I Try Chai. I wanted a place where chai lovers can go for all things chai related: from recipes to reviews and everything in between. This blog has been my little project for a few years now, just going live in 2019. It's so amazing to get to know chai vendors from all around the world and taste different types of chai. I had no...
Hello from I Try Chai!
Jun 11, 2020