I started A Podcast!

I started A Podcast!

Jan 30, 2023

I started a podcast – WHY!

So a few days ago, I thought I would start a podcast and see what happens. The podcast will be based around the KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) business I am building in 2023 and also cover some affiliate marketing stuff along the way.

My reason for starting a podcast is because I felt it would be easier for me to manage and I think I enjoy it more just talking, instead of being on the screen!

I did start doing some videos a few years ago but I felt (and still feel) that making videos takes up WAY too much time when you have other areas of a business to focus on. With videos, you need a decent background, make sure everything is in focus, make sure the audio is good, then you need to edit, add in screenshots, screen recordings and anything else BUT with doing a podcast, all I need to do is focus on the audio – I can do a podcast anywhere!

You could easily record a podcast while driving to work (in a safe way!), while you are out walking, sitting in a cafe, in a park – almost anywhere! All you need to do is record yourself talking (no video) & upload it, there is hardly any editing to be done, no backgrounds or anything else, so in terms of time and getting the information across, a podcast seems like a great idea for me in 2023.

I can sit at my desk and record a podcast, as I am writing content, designing content,  sending emails, and making a book for KDP – I don’t really need to have my face on the screen or need to spend hours editing a video to get the same informational content across!

The informational content I will be sharing will also be in short format, which again is great for a podcast because people can listen anywhere for 5 or 10 minutes while I get the information across.

I have recorded a very short intro below before I start to release and record more content, but let’s see what happens with my KDP podcast in 2023.

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