About Iris Pang
blogger, writing story about wandering / 為流浪寫故事
Love exploring, including traveling, hiking, and thinking. Keep writing down the interesting things I've experienced in my blog (irispang623.com). Currently traveling around the world, hoping to get true experience and understanding of the world. Most importantly, get to know more people! - Here's a thought for getting postcards around the world: Since I will visit 20-30+ different countries in each continent, it will be fun to collect postcards step by step! If you wanna support my work and trip, please buy me a coffee~~and if you want to get postcards from me, you can leave your name/nickname and mailing address for sending cards :D support one cup of coffee can get one country's postcard, and 2 for 2...10 for 10 (but remember, I might visit 20-30 countries at most!) 🌏 熱愛探索的感覺,因而愛上旅遊、登山以及思考,並不定期在部落格(irispang623.com)上更新旅途中發生的趣事與見聞,希望能訴說越來越多的故事。現在正在環遊世界中,希望能親身探詢這個世界正在發生的改變、脈動,以及真相。當然最重要的:認識更多的人! 對於這趟旅程有個關於明信片的小想法: 因為我會造訪世界上 20-30+ 的國家,分布於各大洲,或許沿途寄明信片是有趣的事情!如果您願意支持我的文字與旅途,可以請我喝杯咖啡~~另外如果您希望能收到世界各地的明信片,可以在備註欄寫下你希望的收件人名字與郵寄地址,可以是自己、朋友或是兒女:D 希望拿到一張明信片,可以請我喝一杯咖啡,兩張兩杯,十張十杯,以此類推^^ (但記得!我最多可能只會去到20-30個國家!)
Recent supporters
Nori bought 10 coffees.
Emily Lin bought 3 coffees.
融勳 bought 3 coffees.
YenYen bought 10 coffees.
邱丁 bought 5 coffees.