Hey there, Squarespacer! 👋 I'm Becca, the gal behind InsideTheSquare.co
I teach people how to create and customize Squarespace to make their websites truly unique. I post a free tutorial every week on my YouTube channel and my blog at insidethesquare.co
If you found any of my tutorials helpful, you can Buy Me A Coffee to say thanks! Your contribution will help me keep my content free for our Squarespace community.
Recent supporters

Someone bought a coffee.
Honestly, I now just search for your tips as they are ALWAYS so helpful and ALWAYS work!

linkedin.com/in/dominicyeadon/ bought 5 coffees.

rachelrowelldesignco bought a coffee.
We primarily design Squarespace sites and you have been instrumental in helping us level up and become competitive in the market! Thank you so much Becca.

studio_roberts bought 3 coffees.
Becca, you are simply the best! Thank you for your valuable content.

mrjameskerrigan bought 5 coffees.
Thank you Becca, for the clarity and knowledge shared in your videos. They’ve been incredibly helpful in deepening my, admittedly limited, understanding of Squarespace. Cheers!