Love like a mother

Love like a mother

Mar 28, 2023

What makes love so special? The answer is not so simple, but the love between a mother and child, the love between family and friends, and even God's love for us all make this emotion something extraordinary. 

A mother’s love is a very special thing. It's gentle and soft, like the lullaby she sings to soothe her child. Yet, it also holds the power of a king, enveloping her child in a blanket of protection and unconditional acceptance. Love is a special thing.

The love of a child is also very special. They feel love so simply and innocently, like the fragile beauty of snowflakes and butterfly wings. They love whole-heartedly and trustingly, with no ulterior motives or games. Love is a special thing.

When we share love with one another, it becomes an even more precious and beautiful thing. Our hearts swell with joy, and we find ourselves wanting to sing and express how amazing this emotion is. Sharing and caring about another being gives us an incomparable happiness that only love can bring. Love is a special thing.

For ultimately, it is the love of God that is the most extraordinary. God's love for us is eternal, it’s vast, it’s generous, and it never ceases to exist. His love surrounds us with security and safety, while still allowing us to be who we are and experience our own individual paths. Love is a special thing.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the power and intensity of love. But in moments of chaos, remember that it’s something to be treasured. Cherish all types of love, because it truly is something so special and incredible. Love is a special thing

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