Neueste Supporter

Kathryn Novakovic is now a member.
I love what you guys are doing. It is really helping me to learn the language.

Smiler became a monthly supporter.

Nick Erbez bought a coffee.
You guys are incredible and hats off for being so consistent! I hope you guys continue to do this for a long time.

Brian bought 3 coffees.
Our family is moving to Zagreb this summer, and your podcast is helping me, my partner (her dad came to the states from Pula in the 60s), and our 4-year old learn so much. Hvala for everything, especially helping our kiddo feel a bit less scared about such a big journey.

Andy Smith is now a member.
I’ve been following you since around episode 10 and often listen to each pod cast 2-3 times. Love the interaction (although DJ Mo and Tony D really have to put up with Uncle Mike - kidding).
Turned a lot onto your podcast and decided to finally put my money where my mouth is and help keep the lights on.
——Don’t need to mention. The why???
Retired military and civilian airline pilot. Helped Croatian independence in the 1990’s with USAF and NATO. Learned about the country and took my family there (7x so far) and feel in love with the people, food, culture and jako lijepo sites.
Plan to live part of the year in Croatia.
Taking others courses and supplement with this awesome podcast.
Puno Hvala
Keep it up.