Manifestation & Self-Alignment: 4 Month ...

Manifestation & Self-Alignment: 4 Month Live Teaching Course.

Jul 18, 2023

What is this course about?

This course is a transformative journey that explores the profound practice of manifestation and self-alignment. Through understanding the true nature of the universe and surrendering to its divine power, you will learn how to manifest your desires and experience lasting happiness. This course provides practical techniques, meditations, and insights to help you create a harmonious connection with the universe and live a purposeful life.

Who is this course for?

- Individuals seeking to manifest their desires and live a life aligned with their true purpose.
- Those who want to deepen their understanding of the mind, body, and soul connection.
- Individuals looking to overcome past traumas, find inner peace, and experience personal transformation.
- Those who are open-minded and ready to embrace change for their personal growth.
- Anyone longing to establish a profound connection with the universe and unlock their inner power.

What will you learn in this course?

- Learn meditation techniques inspired by Upnishads, ancient wisdom texts.
- Understand the nature of human beings and the interplay between mind, body, and soul.
- Discover the importance of listening to the song of the universe and connecting with its energy.
- Remove the distance between yourself and the universe to manifest your desires.
- Develop the art of surrendering and release the need for control and conquest.
- Dissolve the karma of your old self to create a fresh start on your manifestation journey.
- Gain insights into the fundamental aspects of mind, body, and soul to harmonize your existence.
- Understand how to attract what you desire without being bound by karmic laws.
- Experience the final stage of being one with the universe and embrace eternal unity.

Course Stages:

Stage 1: Observing the Self

- Learn to become the observer rather than the doer in your life.
- Develop awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and actions.

Stage 2: Cutting Ties with the Self

- Identify and release the self-identifications and attachments that hinder the manifestation.
- Remove the blockages to start your ultimate manifestation journey.

Stage 3: Clearing the Karma of the Old Self

- Dissolve the karmic residue from your past self to prevent it from affecting your new journey.
- Embrace forgiveness and healing to create a fresh start.

Stage 4: Understanding the Importance of Mind, Body, and Soul

- Explore the fundamental aspects of mind, body, and soul and their interconnectedness.
- Learn how to maintain balance and harmony to manifest without karmic backlash.

Stage 5: The Art of Surrender

- Discover the art of surrender and let go of the conquering mindset.
- Understand how surrendering allows the universe to provide everything you need.

Stage 6: Becoming One with the Universe

- Learn to integrate your journey and be in eternal alignment with the universe.
- Experience the profound unity that transcends time and space.

Course Benefits:

- Cultivate deep self-awareness and mindfulness through meditation practices.
- Release self-limiting beliefs and discover your inner power to manifest your desires.
- Find healing and freedom from past traumas and suffering.
- Develop a harmonious connection with the universe and experience lasting happiness.
- Gain insights and tools to navigate challenges and overcome resistance.
- Embrace personal transformation and live a purposeful life aligned with the universe.


- Devote a minimum of 2 hours daily to the course.
- Allocate 1 hour for meditation sessions and 1 hour for reading and reflecting on course materials.
- Commit to following the course routine for one month.
- Be open to accepting change, as this is essential for benefiting from the course.

Please note that while this course provides knowledge, it is through implementing the teachings and embracing the practices that true transformation and manifestation occur.

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