We are alienated from ourselves

We are alienated from ourselves

Sep 01, 2022

We have seen in the first two chapters that we are nothing but consciousness. In the succeeding chapters we have discussed the theories of life which has affected us. What is that we generally call as life, what is our idea of life as we live? Is it not series of what we call experiences which we call as life? Are we not trying to be somebody in society? We are putting effort to reach the goal which is in future. What is the substratum on which the Knowledge, Effort & Experience exist? All this is sustained by only one thing. What is it that is standing between us and the peace, bliss or whatever we call it. It is only one thing “THOUGHT”.

I will again two stories which are often repeated by many,

1.    The salt doll which went to the ocean could neither measure the depth nor experience the ocean because it melted to become one with ocean. (2)

What prevents us from melting away into the ocean of consciousness, it is the “thought” which acts as a weather proof coat to keep the apart from the ocean.

2.    The pot which is in a pond contains water, what is that which separates the water in the pond from that in the pot, it is the shell.

Let us break the shell of thought and be merged with consciousness.

Thought is merely a tool to be used for our daily activities. At Psychological level it has limited value.

Here I am quoting result of a formal study, “We do not make someone expert through training in formal methods of analysis. Quite the contrary is true; in fact we run the risk of slowing the development of skills.” (1)

“The brain damaged subjects lacked intuition, an emotional reaction to anticipated consequences to good and bad decisions.” (1)

“Intuition depends on the use of experience to recognize key patterns that indicate the dynamics of the situation”. (1)

You are aware that intuition is not thought and thought prevents intuition.

We will continue our discussion further.

For further reading,

1.    Sources of Power – How people make decisions by Gary Klein. (The MIT Press).

2.     Maharishi’s Gospel – Sri Ramanasramam (Page 8)

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