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Introducing: Ash Fault Jungle - Novembe ...

Introducing: Ash Fault Jungle - November Issue

Nov 05, 2023

Where can we find you right now and what are you up to?

C. Stevans

Just outside of Chicago. Gearing up to take over the music world with my new partner in crime Jon Lloyd.

Jon Lloyd

I live in St Petersburg Florida. I am part of a great community of acts that promote each other, currently, I am the newest member of Ash Fault Jungle! Whoo hoo! Helping with Vocals, bass and having a great time! …

Tell us a bit about your influences.

C. Stevans

The Beatles, Saigon Kick, L.A. Guns, Brother Cane, Iron Maiden, Shotgun Messiah & The Goo Goo Dolls.

Jon Lloyd

For me Rush and Zeppelin, Queen and Sabbath as far as early icons, they’re the greats.

How did you start?

C. Stevans

I come from a very entrenched musical family. My early years were being exposed to the greats The Beatles, Neil Diamond, Deep Purple & Fleetwood Mac.

Jon Lloyd

As a young teenager looking for the next musical outlet, I grew up in Northern California when thrash was beginning in San Francisco so with Steve Harris (Iron Maiden) lighting the way I started on bass.

What obstacles does an emerging artist have to face in our time?

C. Stevans

Getting the finished product out to the masses. Building a true fan following is the biggest obstacle I see. But in the end is worth every minute of it.

Jon Lloyd

Well drive and passion will get ya over a lot of hurdles especially with a solid game plan but the real speed bump is belief, doubt is insidious and creeps in on you if you let it, there are a ton of reasons to quit. The sole intention of focused success is a good approach to staying positive.

What worked for you marketing-wise? What advice or tips would you give to new artists?

C. Stevans

I used the "Kiss" theory. Give them something as often as possible. Keep yourself in the daily mind's eye.

Jon Lloyd

We promote ourselves and our family of music acts and content creators constantly. I am married to the wonderful Kimmie of Mammas Maiden Studio a premiere video content creator and between the two of us we deal with many acts and bands happy to promote us, as we are them.

What are your goals? Where do you see yourself in five years?

C. Stevans

Break a million streams by the end of 2024. Still putting out music to the loyal fans of Ash Fault Jungle.

Jon Lloyd

Self-promotion to world familiarity status! Ash Fault Jungle! In five years I will appreciate a great library of music that I created and helped with, in many capacities. And… I would love to vomit over the edge of a yacht!

Tell us about your latest or upcoming release.

C. Stevans

A cover version of Ace Frehley's New York Groove. The video was an epic challenge as the make-up is not as easy as one would think.

Jon Lloyd

I absolutely love the song New York Groove! Ash killed it.


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