Introducing: Amulette - October Issue

Introducing: Amulette - October Issue

Oct 23, 2023

Where can we find you right now and what are you up to?

We are currently working on recording and producing our next single, which we hope to release before Christmas. We are also regularly rehearsing and writing new music, in addition to performing at various venues with other great local and touring bands.

You can find links to all of our social media platforms on Follow our IG to know when and where you can catch us in person.

Tell us a bit about your influences.

We have many artists and groups we admire, including Lite, King Crimson, Between the Buried and Me, Joe Hisashi, and for our bassist/vocalist Ben, other singing bassists like Tony Levin and Greg Lake.

How did you start?

Three of us, Devin, Reed, and Jon, have been playing on and off as a different group for about 10 years. Ben joined this new group through a posted ad when he was looking for a new musical project while in-between jobs.

Listen to Amulette

What obstacles does an emerging artist have to face in our time?

The obstacles that immediately come to mind are scheduling around our separate day jobs, finding the right social networks and audiences with which to connect, and finding appropriate gigs through which we can promote our work.

What worked for you marketing-wise? What advice or tips would you give to new artists?

We are grateful that we have been given some opportunities already to perform, and we believe in paying such good will forward! Relationships are critical in this field and we should all look out for and support each other as much as possible.

What are your goals? Where do you see yourself in five years?

We have discussed casually the fantasy of this project becoming successful enough that we can quit our day jobs and focus solely on music, but for now we are working on our next single, and then our first EP. Perhaps someday we would be able to share the stage with some of our musical influences.

Tell us about your latest or upcoming release.

Our debut single, Kodama Dance, is a self-recorded and produced song with mastering by Sandy Holmes and cover art by Aldo Pranata. It is available for purchase on The song was primarily written by our guitarist/vocalist Devin, and is inspired by scenes from the Miyazaki movie Princess Mononoke.


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