Recent supporters

Don Sambol bought 5 coffees.

John & Cheryl A bought 50 coffees.
We are very happy to have met you in SK some 15 yrs ago and we will continue to look forward to seeing you there! ❤ So thankful you weathered the storm as best as you could Gregg. Much love, Cheryl & John A

Vicster Gal bought 5 coffees.
Hi Gregg, go fund me cannot verify I am human so donating for your housing crisis here. Hope the trees are cleared and the power comes back on soon and that you can fix the leaky roof and that you can do the necessary repairs. I am grateful you survived and that you have a home, I was worried. Let's hope for better days ahead for you. Can you get free legal advice about the lease rules and what your landlord is responsible for, also what you can do when your landlord denies responsibility. Do your neighbours know about this issue and have the same problem, how did they resolve it amicably? Namaste, Love, Light and Peace, Vicster Gal aka @cosmicchild234 ❤️🙏⚓

Rising Sun Dancers bought 5 coffees.
Hope this helps Greg.
Debra from Melbourne Australia xxx

Jan from Texas bought 5 coffees.
Long time listener to you Gregg. All the best to you.🙏