It’s been a while since I have sent out a message to you and wanted to take this opportunity to reach out. You are one of the many local people who check out the website regularly and we want to say a massive thanks. Due to a number of changes we are wondering of you can help, by considering the following; 1) We are on the look out for new contributors particularly those interested in writ...
Hello again
Jan 16, 2024
I have decided that I quite like writing here, it gives a little space and time to think about what goes on behind the scenes and some of the complexities of the websites. It has been busy the most important news is that my partner had a baby in June, Belle is already causing chaos with her music and sleep choices so what she makes of Bella next week is anyone's guess. From a financial position (a...
Busy busy
Jul 20, 2023
It's been a while since we have ventured to Buy Me a Coffee, things have changed. After a good hard think and a couple of beers it was clear that some aspects of the website were not giving me the same enthusiasm as they have in the past and as essentially the burden falls on me that had a big impact. Other things have been happening in the background which made it more and more difficult to keep ...
Hello again
May 19, 2023