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A Winter Warmer

A Winter Warmer

Jan 17, 2022

The afternoon began much brighter than twenty four hours previously. There was even a bit of direct sunlight at times. And several people remarked that it was warmer. Warmer - not warm. For the first time in a while both of Harrogate’s ladies’ teams were playing at home so it was a real feast of women’s rugby.

The first team was playing against Barnsley. ickledot had seen the corresponding fixture, played on a very warm sunny day in late summer at the beginning of the season so this was quite a contrast. On that occasion the honours were shared in a 7-all draw - there was much anticipation for this latest encounter.

As it turned out, Harrogate won quite comfortably in the end. The home side scored first and early, going on to build a comfortable lead by half time. Barnsley had a better second half, exerting sustained pressure on several occasions during the forty and putting points on the board. It was too much to recover though and Harrogate ended on top with a final score of 31-11.

Well done to all for playing the game and (as you’ll see from the photos), overcoming the mud!

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