Is this a Hard Quiz Today?

Is this a Hard Quiz Today?

Feb 02, 2023

Hard General Knowledge Quiz Questions
These are 10 testing general knowledge questions today! image

1. In which European city would you find the headquarters of NATO?

2. The active volcano, ‘Krakatoa’ is found within which country?

3. The Skagarrak is a stretch of water which separates Norway from what country?

4.  How many strings are found on a bass guitar?

5. Which English actor has been the host of ‘Teneble’ on ITV and has portrayed the Ewok Wicket in ‘Star Wars’?                                                                

6. Which Shakespeare play begins with the famous opening words of;

 “If music be the food of, then play on,”

7. What was the old language spoken by the traditional Gypsie people?

8. Jack, Simon, Roger, Ralph and Piggy are the main characters in which novel by William Golding?

9. The bark of the willow tree was a known medicine to the ancient Greeks and is still used today to assist with heart problems. What over the counter medicine and blood thinner medicine used to treat mild pain relief is known as acetylsalicylic acid and is found in almost every bathroom cabinet all over the UK?

10. The ‘Prado’ art gallery is found in which Spanish city?


................................................ANSWERS BELOW..............................



1. In which European city would you find the headquarters of NATO?

2. The active volcano, ‘Krakatoa’ is found within which country?

3. The Skagarrak is a stretch of water which separates Norway from what country?

4.  How many strings are found on a bass guitar?

5. Which English actor has been the host of ‘Teneble’ on ITV and has portrayed the Ewok Wicket in ‘Star Wars’?
WARWICK DAVIES                           

6. Which Shakespeare play begins with the famous opening words of;

 “If music be the food of, then play on,”

7. What was the traditional language spoken by the traditional Gypsie people?

8. Jack, Simon, Roger, Ralph and Piggy are the main characters in which novel by William Golding?

9. The bark of the willow tree was a known medicine to the ancient Greeks and is still used today to assist with heart problems. What over the counter medicine and blood thinner medicine used to treat mild pain relief is known as acetylsalicylic acid and is found in almost every bathroom cabinet all over the UK?

10. The ‘Prado’ art gallery is found in which Spanish city?


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