General Knowledge Quiz

General Knowledge Quiz

Apr 20, 2022

TRICKY General Knowledge -

These should test you and get you thinking!


1. Which science fiction writer invented the three laws of robotics which forbids robots from harming humans, even if it means their own destruction?

2. Naomi Watts, Fay Wray and Jessica Lange have all played the love interest of which movie character?

3. What is the name of the spacecraft which carries a golden record containing classical music, rock and roll, greetings in 56 languages and the voice of a humpback whale as it continues its journey through the cosmos?

4. What was the famed, City of Gold, supposedly to be found somewhere in South America?

5. What do aeolian, mistral. khamsin, zephyr and sirocco all have in common?

6. Who wrote the 1978 musical version of, ‘The War of the Worlds’?

7. What are the fer-de-lance, the bandy-bandy and the krait?

8. In which country is the Sport Club Corinthians Paulista part of the football league?

9. What was the name of Ellen Ripley’s cat in Alien?

10. The world’s second highest mountain is K2, what does the K stand for?


................................................ANSWERS BELOW..............................


1. Which science fiction writer invented the three laws of robotics which forbids robots from harming humans, even if it means their own destruction?

2. Naomi Watts, Fay Wray and Jessica Lange have all played the love interest of which movie character?
KING KONG (Fay Wray – 1933, Jessica Lange – 1976, Naomi Watts – 2005)

3. What is the name of the spacecraft which carries a golden record containing classical music, rock and roll, greetings in 56 languages and the voice of a humpback whale as it continues its journey through the cosmos?

4. What was the famed, City of Gold, supposedly to be found somewhere in South America?

5. What do aeolian, mistral. khamsin, zephyr and sirocco all have in common?

6. Who wrote the 1978 musical version of, ‘The War of the Worlds’?

7. What are the fer-de-lance, the bandy-bandy and the krait?

8. In which country is the Sport Club Corinthians Paulista part of the football league?

9. What was the name of Ellen Ripley’s cat in Alien?

10. The world’s second highest mountain is K2, what does the K stand for?
KARAKORAM (It is the range of mountains it is found in)


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