Are You A Fashionista?

Are You A Fashionista?

Sep 22, 2022

The Fashion World
All things clothing and fashion in this quiz.


1. Who is credited with the design of the ‘little black dress’?

2. Originally from Tibet, what name is given to a luxurious cashmere shawl?

3. In the UK they are called tights, what are they known as in the USA?

4. The late Nick Kamen famously stripped down to a pair of whose designer underpants in a laundry in a TV advert?

5. ROKER, Richard Quinn, Patrick McDowell, KNWLS and S.S. Daley all appeared at which city’s fashion week in September 2022?

6. Nicky Clarke once worked for Princess Diana, but what field of fashion is he famous for?

7. Pietro Beccari is the CEO of which fashion house?

8. What kind of bag is named after a 19th Century British Prime Minister?

9. Where on the body would you wear a peruke?

10. Laura Ashley was born in which country of the UK?


................................................ANSWERS BELOW..............................


1. Who is credited with the design of the ‘little black dress’?

2. Originally from Tibet, what name is given to a luxurious cashmere shawl?

3. In the UK they are called tights, what are they known as in the USA?

4. The late Nick Kamen famously stripped down to a pair of whose designer underpants in a laundry in a TV advert?

5. ROKER, Richard Quinn, Patrick McDowell, KNWLS and S.S. Daley all appeared at which city’s fashion week in September 2022?

6. Nicky Clarke once worked for Princess Diana, but what field of fashion is he famous for?

7. Pietro Beccari is the CEO of which fashion house?

8. What kind of bag is named after a 19th Century British Prime Minister?

9. Where on the body would you wear a peruke?
HEAD (It’s a wig)

10. Laura Ashley was born in which country of the UK?
WALES (Merthyr Tydfill in 1925)


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