Ancient Egypt Quiz

Ancient Egypt Quiz

Aug 02, 2022

The Ancient Mysteries of the Egyptians


1. ‘Sacred Writing’ was how the Egyptian Pharaoh’s could communicate, but what word was used to describe this style of words from images?

2. According to Greek legend what ancient monument would ask a riddle of travellers before letting them pass? (Hint: it is also the oldest known monumental sculpture in Egypt)

3. How many pyramids make up the Great Pyramids of Giza?

4. Who was the last active Pharaoh of Egypt who had a son named, Caesarion?

5. Which famous Pharaoh was married to his half-sister, Ankhesnamun when he took over the throne at age 9?

6. What Egyptian city, once the largest of the ancient world, is still the largest on the Mediterranean coastline and is often called, ‘The Bride of the Mediterranean’ by locals?

7. What nationality was the soldier who discovered the Rosetta Stone in 1799 whilst building the foundations of a fort near the town of Rashid (Rosetta)?

8. What good luck charms for the dead were made in the form of beetles?

9. The Ra was a boat made by Thor Heyerdahl based on the ancient Egyptian design. What is the primary material used to make this traditional fishing boat?

10. What was the name of the jackal god who protected the dead on their journey in the afterlife?


................................................ANSWERS BELOW..............................


1. ‘Sacred Writing’ was how the Egyptian Pharaoh’s could communicate, but what word was used to describe this style of words from images?

2. According to Greek legend what ancient monument would ask a riddle of travellers before letting them pass? (Hint: it is also the oldest known monumental sculpture in Egypt)

3. How many pyramids make up the Great Pyramids of Giza?

4. Who was the last active Pharaoh of Egypt who had a son named, Caesarion?

5. Which famous Pharaoh was married to his half-sister, Ankhesnamun when he took over the throne at age 9?

6. What Egyptian city, once the largest of the ancient world, is still the largest on the Mediterranean coastline and is often called, ‘The Bride of the Mediterranean’ by locals?

7. What nationality was the soldier who discovered the Rosetta Stone in 1799 whilst building the foundations of a fort near the town of Rashid (Rosetta)?
FRENCH (He was part of Napoleon’s army)

8. What good luck charms for the dead were made in the form of beetles?

9. The Ra was a boat made by Thor Heyerdahl based on the ancient Egyptian design. What is the primary material used to make this traditional fishing boat?

10. What was the name of the jackal god who protected the dead on their journey in the afterlife?


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