Praise George
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Make It Happen.

Make It Happen.

Mar 18, 2024

Hi, glad to share this with you.

Many people are fatalistic. They believe that ‘if it is mine, it will come to me.’ They believe that ‘what will be will be.’ They believe that the stars determine their future. They believe that if God wants them to have something then it will happen for them.

This is fatalistic thinking.

It is absolute nonsense.

 What will be is what you make happen by and for yourself. If you desire any good thing in life you have to pursue it, go after it, invest for it and make it happen. 

Good things don’t come to those who wait. In fact those who wait get absolutely nothing. If you desire something, don’t wait for it. Go for it. Make it happen.

 Many people have missed great opportunities in life because they believed that if it was theirs then it would come to them or happen for them. They missed opportunities for high value relationships because they foolishly expected those relationships to ‘happen organically.’ They missed opportunities to make lots of money because they waited for the opportunity to ‘work out for them.’ They missed out on having high value romantic partners because they expected that if that partner belonged in their life they wouldn’t need to work on and maintain their relationship.

Good things don’t happen to us by chance. If you want something good to happen in your life, you have to be intentional about it, you have to pursue it, you have to work on it, you have to make it happen.

You Will Be Fine.

Praise George.


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