About Husein Zolkepli
building malaya.readthedocs.io and malaya-speech.readthedocs.io
Hi everyone 👋!
This is Husein Zolkepli, and I like to spend my time developing https://malaya.readthedocs.io/, a Natural-Language-Toolkit library for Bahasa Malaysia, https://malaya-speech.readthedocs.io/, a Speech-Toolkit library for Bhasa Malaysia, and publish Bahasa Malaysia dataset and corpus, https://github.com/mesolitica/malaysian-dataset
Recent supporters

Nekoketew bought a coffee.
Teloq cekang

AriffNazhan bought a coffee.
cekang teloq

yuli bought 5 coffees.
Thank you for the awesome repo, it has been really helpful in my last project!

Fauzi bought 10 coffees.

Xavier Taylor. bought 3 coffees.