Apr 29, 2021

Hey everyone, hope your week has been well for the most part. I wanted to come on here and share some important updates about this space.

As you know, this space initially began as a container to provide comprehensive sex education, answer questions NSFW. All things that I love doing. However, I have to be completely transparent with you all. I will be shifting what this space is for.

After much thought and asking for clarity, I'm better suited to create a space for collective womb reiki healing. Over the years, it has become clear that womb healing is at the core what so many are in need of and what so of you have been asking for.

I'm excited and ready to provide that here. And so, I'm making the decision to stop providing trying to do all the things here and solely focus on facilitating collective womb reiki healing on a monthly basis.

These sessions will be conducted on a new/full moon (be on the lookout for the scheduled dates). On May 1st, the membership price will change from $11 to $22/month to receive this healing service.

Thank you all for being part of this online community. And as always, I'm so excited to continue growing and healing with all of you toward creating a safer and sustainable life.


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