I had stopped doing the Live feeds on my Youtube channel when the number of Patreons attending dropped and those that were there provided little interaction, which I needed to have content to talk about. So the show became uninteresting.
However after watching a Q&A for another channel, I wondered if their format would work better for a live show. Get the questions first, then go live with a chat. So even if you miss the live show, due to your timezone, your question will still be answered.
Once I have enough questions, that I can easily answer, I could do a live chat for my Subscibers. This will give me a way to provide something useful and hopefully interesting on the channel in a live format. I’ll have the content upfront, and could also have time to research any topics I am unfamiliar with.
If you like this idea then please add a question in the comments below. It can be anything about me, Bask the Cat, or scale modelling in general.