
Oct 29, 2023

We all have a gift. We may not realize how important that gift is to another person. Our gift is our presence of self. When someone sees us, it is one of the most important gifts in the world because we are the laughter to their life. When someone hears our voice, it wakes them from their deep slumber and makes them want to live. We all have a gift and that is simply just us being ourselves. We sometimes may forget how important we are to another person because of how busy life can get.


There’s been times where my husband and I are so busy with life, school, work and by the time we finally sit down to have a date night, a few months have passed in between. “Has it been that long?” Oh yes, it has. Recently, he took a trip out of town for work and was gone for four days and three nights. It brought us to remember how much we needed each other still. He was lonely in the hotel room with no sounds of little children laughing and no hand to hold while in bed. I was handling all 7 children on my own. When he messaged me late one night, he said, “I miss you…dearly.” And just that simple phrase made me warm and comforted me enough to wait for his return.


The presence of our smile, of ourselves, of our faces, that is the one true gift we can give to another. Some people prefer material things and want only brand designs. But for me, I just want the person I love to be next to me. Covid actually taught us a lot of things. It taught us that the people who are the most important reside in your household and that is who you should be loving and setting an example for first.  

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