884 sostenitori


Jun 01, 2022


My dear Keystoners, you opened your hearts and wallets yesterday. When I read the tally to Mike last night, we sat together and openly wept. In trying to be stoic, in trying our best to treat this latest calamity as an adventure that we will laugh about—one day—we have not allowed ourselves to really, really voice the unspoken worry of how we will cope financially this year.

Sometimes, when there is little to be done, it is just too painful to go there.

Wanda and several members of our Keystone family contacted me yesterday and said that this ‘hoping for the best’ wasn’t good enough. They said that you folks could be relied upon to help us out and that is exactly what you did. Some of you were not in a position to help financially but you sent wonderfully empowering messages. Some of you sent private ‘etransfers’ of unbelievable generosity. I’m not able to contact all of you who sent money via email but please believe me when I say that you are beautiful people.

Some of you went to Amazon and bought the book, again putting HORSE WOMAN # 1 in Equestrian, # 4 in all of Women’s Health and—wow!—the # 7 horse book in the huge US market. You have now posted over one-hundred global five-star reviews on my first book, with nothing but glowing comments and I am so grateful.

Buy Me A Coffee saw over 2000 visitors to the HORSE WOMAN page yesterday. We now have many new supporters to invite into our private Keystone Members Only group. I’ll be busy the next while, accepting requests to join and sending the ‘welcome’ emails, as quickly as I can and whenever I’m feeling well enough to concentrate! Please be really, really patient with me.

Finally, incredibly, Mike and I can each take a deep breath, trusting that in the coming months, we should be all right financially. Knowing this, we can now rest and heal.

Bless every single one of you who’ve made this happen. You—this unstoppable force of togetherness—are our miracle!

Cheers for now, Lee and Mike McLean.

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