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Hello! Thanks for considering supporting us!

May 07, 2021


We love bet shares from twinspires but we always had a hard time filling them if TwinSpires twitter account themselves didn't retweet them.

So I wrote some python code that pushes out any bet share link found on twitter to @twinspires_bets on twitter, telegram and discord.

Our service is free, we're just looking for donations or monthly/yearly support to cover our costs if you hit a big win or find backers on a regular basis!

Thanks a lot,


My other project is Slugom Crypto - Yeah we know, anything with crypto in the name is fake. Well we focus on helping you build your own Universal Basic Income. Sure it's via "crypto" but we work with coins that don't go up or down in price and are always $1. Currently they are earning 180% APR back just for hanging onto them. You can read my blog post on that if you're at all interested in learning how to become your own UBI provider.

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