Free Lunar Synergy Holistic Health Retre ...

Free Lunar Synergy Holistic Health Retreat Workshop

Aug 13, 2023

Learn more about our Lunar Synergy Holistic Health Retreat - and transform and optimize your health by creating balance in your health systems, mentally, physically, and bioenergetically.

Click here to sign up:

Through our 1 month, 3 month, or 5 month retreat, you can enhance your WHOLE health & create space for more freedom within your life through our integrative holistic medicine...and with our 5 month retreat, you can become certified as a Holistic Health Practitioner! Learn to heal yourself, and how to practice holistic healing in the lives of others!

Visit our retreat page on our website:

Topics We Cover In Our Retreat:

+ Nutrition + Detoxing: We provide comprehensive education and guidance on nutrition and diet, emphasizing the importance of nourishing the body with wholesome foods.

+ Nervous System Regulation: Understanding the impact of the nervous system on our overall health and well-being is a key component of our retreat.

+ Subconscious Healing/Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Our retreat focuses on delving into the subconscious mind to explore and heal deep-rooted emotional patterns and traumas.

+ Consciousness Expansion Healing: Our retreat offers opportunities for participants to expand their consciousness and connect with their higher selves.

+ Body + Mind (Somatic) Connection Therapy: Recognizing the profound connection between the body and mind, our retreat incorporates somatic therapies that focus on the integration of physical and psychological well-being.

+ Fitness & Therapeutic Movement: Physical fitness and therapeutic movement play an important role in our retreat program. Personalized fitness programs & guidance will be provided.

+ Hormone Regulation: Our retreat addresses hormone regulation and provides insights into how lifestyle factors, nutrition, and self-care practices impact hormonal balance.

+ Bioenergetic Regulation: Bioenergetic regulation focuses on harnessing and optimizing the body's energy systems for healing and well-being.

+ Community Support: Through group activities, practitioner support, and collective experiences, individuals will have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, exchange insights, and build meaningful relationships.

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