Get started: Host a Helium Miner

Get started: Host a Helium Miner

Oct 18, 2021

What's a Helium miner? Should I host one? Explained

First, let's discuss what helium is. Helium is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency officially launched on July 29, 2019, to decentralize wireless infrastructure around the world.

Ok.. now how do you mine on Helium?

When mining Helium, you provide connectivity for a class of Internet of Things (IoT) devices by simply building wireless coverage thanks to the LongFi technology, in return for which you are rewarded with the $HNT cryptocurrency. This is achieved by using special devices that support the mentioned technology, devices that are placed wherever the user thinks it is the best for creating an ideal coverage.

What's all this even meant for?

One would ask who benefits from the coverage provided by people mining this currency, and how this coverage affects their day-to-day lives and businesses around the area they live. The network coverage that we are talking about is not the well-known wifi network used in your home or office, this is more of a lower tier of the internet in the form of radio signals used for devices that need a low amount of connectivity. Devices such as tracking systems in vehicles, smart gadgets, sensors, or IoT devices do not need constant network connectivity and use a minimal amount of internet.

So, Im interested.. what should I do now?

[Step 1]

Set up a digital wallet.

While you wait for your hardware to arrive, you're going to need a wallet to store your cryptocurrency earnings.

Go to scroll down to the very bottom of the page and select either IOS or Google Play to get your Helium wallet app.

[Step 2]

Fill out a request through Emrit for becoming a hotspot host

Who is Emrit & Why do they lend out Helium miners?

How does Emrit work? It's simple, you earn a share of Helium cryptocurrency rewards by hosting our CoolSpot cryptocurrency miners in your home or business.

[Step 3.]

Wait for delivery - this usually isnt too long

[Step 4.]

Plug in your miner device

Plug in your CoolSpot™ virtually anywhere. As long as there is a power source and an existing Wifi or ethernet connection, you’re ready to start earning.

[Step 5.]

Start earning.

With the energy of a single 5W LED light bulb, you can start earning cryptocurrency that you can manage and invest or turn into passive income in fiat.

Congratulations on your new passive income!

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