Snouts Spring Cleanup is here! 🗑️ 🌲 🚮 ...

Snouts Spring Cleanup is here! 🗑️ 🌲 🚮 🍃

Apr 15, 2024

Sarah’s Snouts is passionate about keeping our trails and the nature around us clean. Every year when the snow starts to melt and the trash around rears its ugly head, we try to take some time during some of our walks to help clean it up. Not only does it keep our trails clean, it also protects wildlife AND our pets who enjoy the areas safe.

If you’re out enjoying nature, please don’t litter. Today we even found a full case of empty beer bottles!! If you want to keep enjoying the privilege of having such natural beauty around us, be responsible. We also encourage anyone who sees some trash around to pick it up and dispose of it properly if at all possible💜

If you’d like to support us by “buying a coffee”, it helps with costs of garbage disposal, gloves, and garbage bags!

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