The Greater Key of Solomon: The Consecra ...

The Greater Key of Solomon: The Consecrations

Sep 18, 2024

The Greater Key of Solomon contains detailed instructions for preparing various consecrations essential to ceremonial magic. These rituals ensure the practitioner’s tools and surroundings are properly sanctified, enhancing the effectiveness of their magical work. Three of the most important consecrations in the text are the preparation of Solomonic Holy Water, the Solomonic Wand, and Solomonic Oil. Here’s a quick guide to each:

Solomonic Holy Water

This ritual purifies and empowers water for use in magical workings. The process involves:

  • Materials: A brass or earthen vessel, salt, incense, and pure water from a natural source (or bottled purified water).

  • Timing: Performed on the day and hour of Mercury.

  • Invocation: A blessing is recited over the salt: Tzabaoth, Messiach, Emanuel, Elohim Gibor…, calling upon divine protection and assistance.

  • Psalms: Psalms 102, 54, 6, and 67 are chanted over the water.

  • Usage: The Holy Water can be used to purify spaces and banish unwanted spirits.

The consecration renders the water potent for chasing away phantoms and sanctifying spaces.

Solomonic Wand

The wand is an essential tool in Solomonic magic, symbolizing authority over spirits. It holds historical significance as a tool of kings, shepherds, and prophets.

  • Materials: The wand is crafted from hazel or nut tree wood, while the staff may use elderwood, cane, or rosewood.

  • Crafting: The wood must be cut from a tree less than a year old, on a Wednesday at sunrise, using a single stroke. The wand is then engraved with magical symbols.

  • Consecration: The wand is blessed with the invocation: Adonai, Most Holy, deign to bless and consecrate this Wand…, after which it is wrapped in consecrated silk.

  • Purpose: Though primarily used to command spirits, it is also utilized in summoning angels, illustrating the mage’s right to petition higher forces.

The wand serves as a physical representation of the mage’s spiritual authority in their workings.

Solomonic Oil

The use of anointing oil has ancient roots in religious and royal traditions, symbolizing purification, fertility, and the bond between a ruler and their land.

  • Ingredients: The biblical recipe includes myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, cassia, and olive oil (Exodus 30:22–33).

  • Usage: Anointing oil is employed to consecrate priests, sacred objects, and magical tools, as well as to purify the practitioner.

  • Preparation: According to the Key, the oil is blended following the Art of the Apothecary, akin to an early form of alchemy.

  • Alternatives: If specific ingredients aren’t available, pure olive oil serves as a suitable substitute for anointing and consecration.

The sacred oil is a versatile tool in rituals, used to sanctify people and objects alike.

These consecrations — Holy Water, the Wand, and Holy Oil — are core elements of Solomonic magic, empowering the practitioner with divine blessings and authority over both spiritual and earthly realms. Each ritual emphasizes purity, precision, and timing, all key components for effective magical practice according to the teachings of the Greater Key of Solomon.

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