The Nine Eidola & their Angeli

The Nine Eidola & their Angeli

Apr 20, 2024

I've just reread The Place of the Lion in preparation for a lecture I'm giving about it at Smith College on Monday in Carol Zaleski's class. Each time I read it, I try to complete the lists of Angelic Orders, Platonic Virtues, and earthly animal emanations. Williams must have left it incomplete on purpose, don't you think? But why? And can you fill in any of the ones I'm missing? Here's what I've got:

1. Angels                     Lion                 Strength

2. Archangels              Serpent            Subtlety

3. Powers                    Butterfly         Beauty

4. Princes                     Unicorn           Speed

5. Virtues                    Eagle               Balance (philosophy, wisdom)

6. Dominations           

7. Thrones                  

8. Cherubim                Phoenix           Joy? Love? Friendship? Co-inherence?

9. Seraphim                 Lamb               Innocence?

And the what of the other animal-emblems he mentions throughout? The Horse, Wolf, Tortoise, Elk, Bear, and Ox? What of Humility, Fierceness, Patience? Where do they fit in? Your thoughts are welcome!

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