Podcast App Recommendations

Podcast App Recommendations

Apr 01, 2024

Here's a great article giving recommendations for a new podcast app if you are looking. Many people were stranded when the Stitcher app and the Google Podcast app closed down, but this should help you out.


My recommendations right now are Apple Podcasts for iOS and maybe Podcast Addict for Android users. If you want a more social media-like experience, I like GoodPods, especially for leaving ratings and reviews. The free version of Pocket Casts is also impressive.

Hey Chaplain will always be accessible on every podcast player possible; I've put a lot of effort into making sure that the show is listed in every possible directory, even internationally. So far the show has been played in 61 different podcast players that I know of.

Let me thank you again for listening to the show. Giving a 5-star rating and a short review is always helpful but downloading and/or streaming the entirety of the show is the best way to get the algorithms to notice and suggest the show to other listeners like you.

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