Jim Sayers
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Journaling with Intention: Writing Your ...

Journaling with Intention: Writing Your Future

Sep 07, 2024

Journaling with Intention: Writing Your Future

This ritual will help you align your goals with the universe through the power of intention and manifestation. By writing down your dreams, you create a tangible form of your desires and set the wheels of the universe in motion. You’ll infuse your words with energy and purpose, inviting the universe to help manifest your aspirations.

What You’ll Need:

  • A journal or sheet of paper

  • A pen

  • Bay leaves (herbal ally)

  • A fireproof dish or cauldron

  • A green candle (for growth and manifestation)

  • A lighter or matches

Optional Herbs:

  • Bay leaf (to carry your intentions to the universe)

  • Basil (for prosperity)

  • Rosemary (for clarity of mind)

The Herbal Ally Way:

Bay leaves have long been used in rituals for their powerful connection to manifestation and wish fulfillment. They carry the energy of the divine and are known to enhance the likelihood of your intentions reaching the universe. This ritual incorporates bay leaves to strengthen your connection with your goals and amplify the manifestation of your dreams.

The Ritual:

1. Prepare Your Space:

Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Light the green candle, representing growth, abundance, and manifestation.

2. Ground Yourself:

Take a few deep breaths, inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. With each breath, feel yourself becoming more centered and grounded in the present moment.

3. Set Your Intention:

Think about what you want to manifest in your life—whether it’s a new opportunity, personal growth, or a specific goal. Focus on this desire and let it fill your mind. Visualize yourself achieving this goal and how it will feel.

4. Begin Journaling:

Open your journal or take a piece of paper. Write down your intentions and dreams for the coming weeks or months. Be specific, positive, and clear in your wording. Instead of saying, “I want,” write your intentions as though they are already happening: “I am attracting new opportunities,” or “I am confident in my abilities.”

5. Use the Bay Leaf:

Once you’ve written down your intentions, take a bay leaf and hold it in your hands. Close your eyes and visualize your intentions being infused into the leaf. See your desires floating up into the universe, carried by the energy of the leaf.

6. Burn the Bay Leaf:

Place the bay leaf in the fireproof dish or cauldron. Light it with the candle flame or matches. As it burns, say aloud or in your mind, “I release my intentions into the universe. May they manifest with clarity and purpose.”

7. Focus on the Flame:

As the bay leaf burns, focus on the candle flame. Visualize the energy of the flame feeding your desires and helping them grow. Sit quietly for a few moments, feeling the energy of manifestation surround you.

8. Release the Energy:

Once the bay leaf has completely burned, blow out the candle and trust that your intentions have been released into the universe. Thank the bay leaf and candle for their assistance in this ritual.

9. Reflect:

Take a moment to reflect on how you feel. Trust that the universe is working to align your desires with your highest good.

Closing Thought:

Journaling with intention is a powerful way to align your inner desires with the outer world. By writing down your goals and burning the bay leaf, you are not only making a commitment to your own growth but also inviting the universe to support your journey. Bay leaves, with their ancient wisdom and energy, will help carry your dreams and intentions toward manifestation. Keep your journal close and use it regularly to track your progress, adjusting your intentions as needed.

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