
Gazelle Spec Ops Wall Paper


Apache Hellfire launch Wall Paper


Gazelle Spec Ops Wall Paper


Apache Hellfire launch Wall Paper


Offri un flight a Helo Hounds

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Crew Chief


Include le funzionalità di Discord

  • Custom "Tail Number Logo" and a personalized Helo Hounds UH-1H livery for DCS World.

  • Role of Crew Chief in Discord. This role is to distinguish the level of membership you are.

  • Access to the flight crew (members) Discord channel.

  • Listed in the credits at the beginning of each Helo Hounds and Streaker Six video with membership level.



Include le funzionalità di Discord

  • Custom "Tail Number Logo" and Helo Hounds personalized UH-1H livery for DCS World.

  • Role of Co-Pilot in Discord. This role is to distinguish the level of membership you are.

  • Access to the flight crew (members) Discord channel.

  • Listed in the credits at the beginning of each Helo Hounds and Streaker Six video with membership level.

  • Monthly Co-Pilots (after 3 consec months) will receive a custom Helo Hounds Huey Livery. (Not the base Hounds Livery)

  • Annual Co-Pilots will receive a Helo Hounds Coffee Cup.

  • Annual Co-Pilots will receive a custom Helo Hounds Huey Livery. (Not the base Hounds Livery)


Limitati (19 of 20 rimanenti)

Include le funzionalità di Discord

  • Custom "Tail Number Logo", Helo Hounds personalized UH-1H and Mi-8MTV livery for DCS World.

  • Role of Pilot in Discord. This role is to distinguish the level of membership you are.

  • Access to the flight crew (members) Discord channel.

  • Listed in the credits at the beginning of each Helo Hounds and Streaker Six video with membership level.

  • Monthly Co-Pilots (after 3 consec months) will receive a custom Helo Hounds Huey & Hip Liveries..

  • Annual Pilots will receive a Helo Hounds Coffee Cup.

  • Annual Pilots will receive a custom Helo Hounds Huey Livery. (Not the base Hounds Livery)

  • Annual Pilots will receive a custom Helo Hounds Hip Livery. (Not the base Hounds Livery)