About Theophrasti Paracelsi
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I know I'm merely talking into the void, but those who have previously downloaded any Huser Volume (1, 2, 3) i have changed the file since the original posts, and each option is now the most up to date version, and I will be uploading Volume 4 momentarily. I apologize for the shoddy work of the previous versions. 1, 2, 3 and 4 (you can check the free Registry, for which books these volumes contain...
Dec 02, 2024
Huser volumes 1, 2, and 3 are now edited, notated (alchemically) and formatted for ease of reading. I've added color coding to the texts to show various levels of emphases and highlighting the important words and phrases. The documents now are the proper files, anything before now is inferior in quality. Enjoy, study our Monarch well.
Oct 17, 2024
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