Skull and Bones Tools aims to provide you the best tools possible when building your pirate empire so that you can use your time more effectively and focus on your pirate life.
Your donation helps to fund the running costs and shows your support for this project!❤
There are more features planned in the future, but currently the ones below are already available for you:
Tool 1 - The Calculator
Get detailed informations about all the items in the game, where to find them and what stats they have. Then just select the items you want and get a full list of materials provided by the calculator. You have also the option to share your item selection with a friend.
Tool 2 - The Loadout Designer aka. Ship Builder
Build the ship of your dreams with a intuitive tool and direct access to item stats and the overall stats of your loadout.
One ship is not enough? Just save your current loadout and start with the next one as you have the option to save, load and share your loadouts. You can also get a link that directly leads to a loadout to share it with your friends or anyone else.
Tool 3 - The Codex
The interactive and mobile friendly search engine / wiki for items and cosmetics giving you detailed informations about an item or cosmetic like its stats, perks, where to obtain it and if it belonged to an event.
It also features ingame images of nearly all cosmetics with most of them even featuring an interactive day/night comparison.
Recent supporters

ZzSmokngunzZ bought a pirate flag.

Someone bought a pirate flag.