Feb 09, 2023

What is my value Heavenly Father?

My child the value I have placed on you is the value of My very own first-born Son, the firstborn among many brethren! Yes, you are the value of Jesus! You may ask, "how is this possible that I literally am valued this high"? "What is it that gives me this treasured worth or Who places this value on me "? There must be some mistake because I don't feel this valuable & when I look in the mirror I see imperfections, plus I'm always told by others I'm not good enough or what my imperfections are. My child, look in the mirror of my word & see how it reflects My good opinion of you through my Son Jesus! We made You fearfully & wonderfully made in Our image & in Our likeness. Think how much We took our time & invested in knitting you together in your mother's womb! There is nothing I held back by giving My best by dying on the cross & rising from the dead 3 days later, so that I may have you completely for My own good pleasure! Many are the good plans that I have prepared in advance for you, which bring Me great joy to unfold in your life by the power of My Spirit within you!

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