Hearing Loss LIVE! Online live classes s ...

Hearing Loss LIVE! Online live classes start again in April

Feb 19, 2024

Every week in the Advanced Lipreading class, we are learning more together.

Because they went through the previous Hearing Loss LIVE! 3 classes on lipreading, they have a good grasp on setting their stage for better lipreading. The week before, we evaluated each other for better lipreading. This last week, we asked ourselves how we might better understand each other during our short paragraphs with voice off for each other. (We share the topic we chose, then names, then go voice off.)

We decided to start rephrasing, as needed. Or, we will share the part we understood and ask for the part we didn't understand. (It interrupts the rhythm and helps people be more present.)

These are the strategies for better communication with hearing loss. I love that we work together to make it work for us.

Classes begin again in early April Check out the SCHEDULE and sign up today.

#Lipreading #Speechreading #Classes #OnlineLearning #HearingLossLIVE

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