The Future of Virtual Events and the AV ...

The Future of Virtual Events and the AV Consultant's Role

Feb 29, 2024

The pandemic has drastically changed how events are conducted. As physical gatherings became unsafe, virtual events quickly became the new normal. While initially seen as a temporary solution, many experts now believe virtual and hybrid events are here to stay. This shift opens up exciting new opportunities for audio visual (AV) consultants to play an expanded role.

The Rise of Virtual Gatherings

Before the pandemic, the idea of replicating a conference or product launch online seemed like science fiction. People generally felt virtual could never replace the experience of an in-person event. However, out of necessity, many organizations rapidly transitioned major events to digital formats. To their surprise, virtual gatherings enabled greater accessibility and participation than physical ones. As technologies for livestreaming, interactivity and virtual environments improved, people started to appreciate the conveniences of attending remotely from their home movie theater design. It became clear virtual had moved beyond a poor substitute - it offered compelling advantages of its own.

The Ongoing Role of Physical Events

While virtual events have proven their value, completely replacing live gatherings does not make sense. Certain experiences like networking during coffee breaks simply do not translate as well to a digital context. There is also evidence that for complex learning, in-person interaction facilitates deeper understanding. Hybrid models which combine online and offline elements are likely to become more prevalent. Even with vaccinations, many are still cautious about large crowds. Physical gatherings will have to reimagine formats with health and safety as priorities to remain relevant.

Opportunities for AV Consultants

As organizations increasingly embrace virtual and hybrid events, AV consultants are uniquely positioned to play an expanded advisory role. Their expertise in event technologies, production and user experience design can help clients optimize both digital and live formats. Here are some key ways AV consultants can add value:

Virtual and Hybrid Event Planning

Advising on virtual and hybrid event strategies based on client goals and audience needs

Designing interactive and engaging virtual experiences that emulate in-person functions

Selecting and integrating appropriate livestreaming, conferencing and virtual environment platforms

Guiding production of high-quality live and pre-recorded digital content

Recommending technologies for hybrid models that blend online and offline attendance

Production and Technical Support

Leading event production for livestreamed, recorded or hybrid digital components

Managing technical elements like cameras, switching, encoding and streaming

Troubleshooting issues and ensuring smooth execution of the virtual experience

Overseeing installation and operation of live event technologies

Training and supporting client teams to run online and physical production

Post-Event Analysis

Gathering data and feedback to evaluate success of virtual and hybrid designs

Benchmarking metrics like online attendance, engagement and lead generation

Identifying areas for improvement and making recommendations

Helping clients continually refine their digital and live event strategies

By advising at all stages of the process, AV consultants can help maximize the reach and impact of virtual, hybrid and live events. Their technical abilities and production experience uniquely position them to guide organizations smoothly through this transition. Those who expand their consulting services will be well-equipped to capture growing opportunities in the evolving event landscape.

Video Production for Virtual Events

video is a core element of any compelling virtual experience. While some live events will continue, pre-recorded content allows for more polished presentations without technical issues. It also provides lasting marketing value as videos can be reused and distributed on various channels after the event concludes. Here are ways AV consultants can support client video needs:

Pre-Production Planning

Developing video concepts and storyboards aligned with event themes and messages

Determining types of videos like presentations, interviews, demos or testimonials needed

Selecting appropriate filming locations, equipment and talent

Creating shot lists, scripts and schedules for efficient production

Equipment Selection and Setup

Recommending cameras, lighting, audio gear and other production tools

Configuring technical specifications like resolutions and codecs

Setting up remote studios, green screens and virtual backgrounds as needed

Video Production Services

Directing video shoots remotely or on-location following health guidelines

Operating cameras, lighting, audio capture and switcher during recordings

Editing raw footage and applying effects, titles in post-production software

Mastering and delivering finalized presentations, sessions and highlight reels

After integrating video planning, their production expertise and equipment access allows AV consultants to effectively create high-quality filmed content. This supports video-centric virtual conference experiences and marketing goals. By handling video from conception to delivery, they offer a turnkey solution for clients.

Enhancing the Participant Experience

While virtual access solves issues like travel, replicating the immersive event atmosphere digitally is still a challenge. Creating an engaging participant experience through interactive features and thoughtful design is key to success. Consultants can apply their skills to optimize usability and foster connections remotely:

Interactive Platform Selection

Evaluating options like video conferencing, virtual environments or hybrid apps

Choosing solutions best fitting technical needs, budget and desired functionality

Designing for Engagement

Incorporating polling, Q&A, breakouts and gamification as appropriate

Emphasizing networking and collaboration functions over passive viewing

Providing simple controls and clear navigation

Customizing the Experience

Implementing unique conference themes, lobby spaces or avatar-based graphics

Including features like live chat, profiles, lounges or message boards

Enabling features for accessibility compliance

User Training and Support

Preparing tutorial materials and offering demos for attendees

Providing help guides or a live chatroom during the event

Troubleshooting technical issues as they arise to prevent frustration

By focusing on participant usability, interaction and the overall virtual “feel”, consultants help improve engagement to drive better learning and connection online. This optimized digital experience benefits both attendees and organizing clients.

Hybrid Event Design and Implementation

While virtual gatherings expand reach, some clients recognize the need for limited in-person aspects. Here, carefully designed hybrid models offer the best of both:

Hybrid Planning

Blending digital and physical components seamlessly based on goals and audience

Determining optimal in-person attendance numbers safely

Coordinating hybrid event logistics across multiple locations

Technology Selection and Setup

Choosing equipment like displays, video walls, conferencing units and livestreaming gear

Integration of digital and AV systems between physical venue/s and virtual spaces

On-site networking, encoding, streaming and control room requirements

Production and Moderation

Coordinating simultaneous digital broadcasts and live hosting

Managing camera transitions, slides, polling across online and in-room

Ensuring attendees can interact regardless of attendance format

By addressing technical and user factors, consultants deliver seamless experiences bridging virtual and on-site attendees. This lets organizers and presenters reap advantages from both channels more meaningfully. Hybrid implementation allows the prudent resumption of in-person events alongside sustained virtual involvement.

The Road Ahead

While this past year accelerated changes in events, more evolution lies ahead. Savvy AV consultants embracing virtual services and the hybrid model position themselves well to thrive in the new paradigm regardless of disruptions. Key trends to watch:

Further advances in livestreaming quality, interactivity and AR/VR technologies.

Rising adoption of virtual and hybrid strategies beyond pandemic necessities.

More blending of digital and physical components at various scales.

Growing expectations around engagement, production values and customization.

New opportunities as AV integrates more with other fields like learning/instruction.

By continually refining virtual and hybrid offerings based on emerging demands and technologies, consultants keep their services fresh. Those expanding consultative roles around strategy, design and production will lead the way. The future remains bright for forward-thinking AV professionals embracing changes and championing new standards for impactful digital-first experiences.

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