
Jan 04, 2024

My current goal for The Immortal Life series is to sell 1,000 copies of The Immortal Life of Pate Percival!

This will allow me to accomplish many things in furthering the series!

1• Pr packages can be pricey to assemble and ship for an indie author! Selling more copies means getting PR packages out to our favorite TikTokers more quickly!

2• Hardcover! I aim to create a stunning hardcover edition of The Immortal Life of Pate Percival, in collaboration with a real artist! I am open to receiving suggestions for cover artists!

3• Expanded ebook availability! Once my goal of 1k copies has been reached, I plan to expand ebook availability beyond Amazon.

4• Book two, The Mortal Life of Winona Noble, is making good progress! It is written, going through the editing process currently! I would love to get the book out to readers as soon as possible in paperback, ebook, and hardcover! (Matching the debut novel of the series, of course 🖤)

If these goals are as exciting for you as they are for me, please consider buying The Immortal Life of Pate Percival!

If you have already purchased and would like to do something further, making a contribution through Buy Me A Coffee ☕ will go directly to these goals! Any surplus will support my local, smalltown coffee shop! ☕

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