Python DNS Security Tool: Detecting DDoS ...

Python DNS Security Tool: Detecting DDoS and DoS Attacks

Aug 14, 2024


DNS is vital to the internet's functionality, but its importance also makes it a target for malicious attacks, including DDoS and DoS. Monitoring DNS traffic for suspicious activity, such as unusually large packets, can help identify and prevent these threats. This article introduces a Python tool that does just that, providing real-time alerts when potential security issues are detected.

Learning Outcomes

By reading this guide, you will learn how to:

  • Monitor DNS traffic in real-time with Python.

  • Detect and respond to large DNS packets that may indicate an attack.

  • Use pyshark for live packet capture and colorama for clear, colored alerts in your terminal.

Getting Started

The tool is built using these key Python libraries:

  • pyshark: Facilitates packet capture and network traffic analysis.

  • argparse: Allows customization of the monitoring interface and alert thresholds via command-line arguments.

  • colorama: Adds color to terminal output, making alerts more visible and easier to notice.

Here’s how you start the implementation:

import pyshark
import argparse
from colorama import Fore, Style, init

These imports lay the foundation for capturing DNS traffic and generating alerts when something unusual occurs.

To see the full implementation, including step-by-step instructions on setting up and running the tool, please visit the full article here

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