If you can help, please help!

If you can help, please help!

May 14, 2024

It takes women an average of 7 attempts to leave an abusive household. I cannot find stats for disabled and chronically ill, but I can only imagine from my experience, they must be far worse.

If you have a place to stay, consider taking me in (I can pay rent!). Times are tough and we can help each other out.

If you are an advocate, consider advocating for me. I really need this help. I’m becoming too ill to do more than the basics anymore.

If you can spare a few dollars, contribute to my escape fund.

If you live in Melbourne and would like to support me, get in touch. You can never have enough good friends. Or if you live elsewhere, your help would be appreciated too.

Unlike a lot of people in need with teams behind them, I sadly don’t have one so it’s just me & my reach is limited (and writing is full of typos, etc). If you’d like to help form a team and spread out the work of getting me to safety, please volunteer! More infos less typos!

If you could, please share this fundraiser: https://buymeacoffee.com/halcionandon and share the below article about me.

Thanks so much for reading. 💜🙏


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